Young Daria is absolutely not happy about celebrating National Youth Day, but that's okay because Young Quinn is happy enough for both of them. In fact, Young Quinn might be happy enough for the entire world. I'm a little worried that she might explode from joy.
If Daria were feeling affectionate (which is a very big "if" that isn't likely to happen), then she could observe Kiss a Ginger Day. Given the choice, I think she'd be better off kissing Quinn than the other infamous ginger on the show...Upchuck.
Helen, meanwhile, will probably be celebrating neither of those holidays because it's Work Harder Day and that's all the excuse she needs. Then again, I'm not sure if it's physically possible for her to work any harder than she usually does without the use of cloning technology.
Fanfic Update!
- A Real American, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Jim was with Tony, Eric, Wayne, Bud and Chuck at the shooting range. Jim squeezed off a few rounds from his Beretta handgun."
- Spider Quinn 13 Aftermath and Investigations, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 9): "After finishing her shift, Quinn went up to the roof. But before she changed to SpiderGirl, she looked around at the town."