Jake and Helen are cuddling up as the cutest dysfuntional literary couple you've ever seen for the anniversary of Gone with the Wind, which was published on this day in 1936. The story was referenced in "I Don't" with Jane's "Oh, Scarlett, you grow lovelier by the day!" quip as well as in "Aunt Nauseam" as part of an unlikely excuse for sisterly bonding between Daria and Quinn.
On a more modern note, today is also Social Media Day, so I'll take the opportunity to bump the Facebook episodes Iron Chef I posted all the way back in 2010. Still plenty of episodes left undone if anyone's interested!
Finally, it was on this day in 1997 that the episode "The Big House" first aired. Jake and Helen laid down the law, and Daria promptly destroyed them with harmonica music and Scrabble skills.
Fandom News!
- The latest Beavis and Butt-head episode features a super-smart Daria.
- Check out Cracked.com's 15 Trivia Tidbits About Daria.
- Vote in the Celebrity Deathmatch poll between Original Filmation Ghost Busters and the Winchester Brothers.