Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Pint-Sized "Nope."

Young Daria is absolutely not happy about celebrating National Youth Day, but that's okay because Young Quinn is happy enough for both of them. In fact, Young Quinn might be happy enough for the entire world. I'm a little worried that she might explode from joy.

If Daria were feeling affectionate (which is a very big "if" that isn't likely to happen), then she could observe Kiss a Ginger Day. Given the choice, I think she'd be better off kissing Quinn than the other infamous ginger on the show...Upchuck.

Helen, meanwhile, will probably be celebrating neither of those holidays because it's Work Harder Day and that's all the excuse she needs. Then again, I'm not sure if it's physically possible for her to work any harder than she usually does without the use of cloning technology.

Fanfic Update!
  • A Real American, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Jim was with Tony, Eric, Wayne, Bud and Chuck at the shooting range. Jim squeezed off a few rounds from his Beretta handgun."

  • Spider Quinn 13 Aftermath and Investigations, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 9): "After finishing her shift, Quinn went up to the roof. But before she changed to SpiderGirl, she looked around at the town."

Friday, January 10, 2025

Helen Would Be So Proud

I don't think that Quinn is having a very good National Shareholders Day, but her employees are having an even worse one. I'd like to imagine that in this scenario Quinn and Sandi are competing business magnates within the same field, each intent on beating the other.

I suppose today would be a good day for these poor terrified souls to consider finding a new job, and not just because it's Quitters Day. This should be a familiar situation for Quinn, who once quit the Fashion Club (although it was under a massive guilt trip) and triggered a total collapse of the club as a result.

Speaking of the Fashion Club, it's also Peculiar People Day and I encourage all of you to be just as peculiar as you want! This should be no problem for Lawndale, which seems to be entirely populated by the most peculiar people you've ever met.

Fandom News!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The King He Is Not

Trent is trying out a new style of music in honor of the anniversary of Elvis Presley's birth on this day in 1935. Unfortunately for Trent, Elvis had actual musical talent, so the homage isn't likely to go very well.

Even so, I expect he'll keep Daria's attention and not just because it's Male Watcher's Day. Jane will probably join in if any cute boys happen by, but only because she's thinking of buying those shoes.

Be sure to dust off those QWERTY skills because it's Typing Day and I want those keys to start clicking! Jake might get distracted by the Panda Cam, but I have no doubt that Quinn will use her favorite emojis: Smiley face, surprised face, wink!

Fanfic Update!
  • 15 Years On, by DrT9999 (COMPLETE!): "Even five feet from the mountain's base, Daria wouldn't have guessed there was any sort of usable entrance to a cave system, except for the few traces of footprints in the meager gravel (most of the area was bare rock) leading into a small indentation in the rock face."

  • Heavenly wine and roses, by riotsquirrrl (part 5): "The previews for the art house movie theater are pretty basic and flash across the screen, advertising local businesses and coming features. Tom and Daria are the only ones in the theater."

  • A Real American, by wilddogjj (part 2): "Jim was angrily pounding on the door to his father's apartment. The reason for Jim's anger was his recent discovery of his true origin."

  • The Trials of Miss Morgendorffer, by TrentMckay (COMPLETE!): "The town of Lawndale, nestled among the rolling hills and bramble-choked woods of New England, was not a place for the faint of heart."

  • Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have), by roentgen (COMPLETE!): "Sandi Griffin was dead. 'That was to be expected,' she thought. 'Can't live forever, although I was hoping that they would cure that.'"

Monday, January 6, 2025


Helen and Jake are just adorable together for Cuddle Up Day, and they look so happy that it's easy to recognize this as a fantasy sequence rather than real life. I would like to think that Helen and Jake do have their moments of calm and togetherness, at least in between the phone calls from work and rants about childhood.

When they're done with their one-on-one time, they could spend some quality time with Quinn by taking her out for lunch and listening to her poetry in honor of National Take a Poet to Lunch Day! She could even regale them with the greasy fry poem.

Daria, however, would far rather be burned at the stake like Joan of Arc, who was born on this day in 1412. I'm not sure if the prospect of spending time with her family or listening to bad poetry is worse to her, but either one would drive her to, in her own words, order a stake.

Fandom News!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Don't Let It Oxidize!

Jake has many regrets, and only the least of them is that he prepared penne on National Spaghetti Day. Trent will be disappointed, too, because spaghetti (or anything similar to it) is his favorite.

Daria and Jane, meanwhile, might spend some time sharing information about the Middle Ages in honor of Trivia Day. No one said that the information had to be accurate, after all.

If they do spend any time at a Medieval fair or any other school event, though, I hope they stay alert because it's World Hypnotism Day and Ms. Li might decide to go behind simple subliminal messages. They don't want to be tithing their earnings to Lawndale High for the rest of their lives.

Fanfic Update!
  • 15 Years On, by DrT9999 (part 2): "General John Springfield was not happy, and when a two star general is not happy, his aides and others around him become nervous."

  • Daria Considers Change, by DrT9999 (COMPLETE!): "Silence reigned in Jane's bedroom for a moment."

  • Daria's Rugrats (IC Runaway Daria), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "Soon, three year old Angelica and her father, Drew, had arrived. She walked over to the playpen area."

  • fall in love with a girl, by bea0e (COMPLETE!): "Come on, Jane, you know you’re better than this."

  • A Real American, by wilddogjj (part 1): "Jim, Jamie, Chuck and Chris were in Kevin's driveway while Kevin showed off the new license plate on his Dodge Ram."

  • Spider Quinn 13 Aftermath and Investigations, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 8): "SpiderGirl and Ninja Talon approached the Oscorp office space from an alleyway."

Thursday, January 2, 2025

No One Will Be Saluting Him

On the one hand, I think that someone should explain to Upchuck that Run it up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes It Day isn't meant to be taken literally, and you aren't supposed to run yourself up there. On the other hand, while he's up there he won't be bothering anyone, so maybe we should just let him stay right where he is.

Actually, this would be an interesting way to celebrate World Introvert Day, because there's only room for one person up there so there's no need to worry about being overwhelmed by other people. Daria would be happy enough up there as long as she was able to bring a book.

I hope she chooses a book by Isaac Asimov, because it's both the anniversary of his birth and National Science Fiction Day. Instead of reading a science fiction story, though, Daria could recreate the alien space babes look with Jane. It's probably safe to do so with Upchuck stuck on top of a flagpole.

Fandom News!