Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Admittedly, It's Probably a Fake Tree Anyway

Daria's having a surprising amount of difficulty on Look for an Evergreen Day, especially considering all she has to do is turn around. On the bright side, she did find Cupid, a leprechaun, and the slowly dawning realization that she's losing her mind. Cheers!

Still, while she's going insane she might as well go all in and re-create the scene in the Beavis and Butt-head episode "It's a Miserable Life," in which she's singing Christmas carols, has a boyfriend, and is smiling! I know, I'm a little frightened, too. Just remember that it was an alternate reality and never really happened.

For those of you not in the holiday spirit, there's also the anniversary of the premiere of the movie Titanic on this day in 1997. I'd say that Mr. O'Neill and Ms. Barch could give that "standing on the bow of the ship" scene another shot, but there's a good chance the water is frozen. Better wait until there's a chance of one or both of them drowning!

Fandom News!

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