Thursday, November 7, 2024

She'll Definitely Have a Glowing Complexion!

Quinn is embracing her inner scientist, following in the footsteps of Marie Curie, who was born on this day in 1867. I'm not sure if she's trying to discover a new element or just inventing a new hair care product to increase bouncity-bounce, but I wish her the best of luck...from behind a lead-lined protective barrier.

When she's done with chemistry and ready for some philosophy, Quinn should know that today is also the anniversary of Albert Camus's birth on this day in 1913. She can celebrate by wearing all black and adding some accessories from the street fair!

Meanwhile, if Jake finds out that today is Men Make Dinner Day then the whole family will be in trouble. However, chances are good that he'll burn off his taste buds, panic, and spend the rest of the night studying his tongue in the bathroom mirror while Helen orders pizza.

Fandom News!

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