Sunday, September 14, 2008

9-14: Be Strong, Stacy: Another Stacy Holiday!

Hooray! It's 9-14, another Stacy Rowe holiday! This one is in honor of Angelinhel's great fanfic, "9-14-04," written exactly four years ago today, in which Stacy Rowe . . . well, why spoil it. Read and see for yourself why today is so special! Thanks, Angelinhel!

I've missed a lot of important Daria dates from being sick for the last few days. Friday was the thirteenth anniversary of Daria's appearance on the Beavis and Butt-head episode, "Spare Me," in which Daria proves she knew how to change a car tire in 9th grade. This episode actually had an impact on a later Daria fanfic. September 12 was also the first diary date in Bacner's fanfic, "Diary of a Lawndale Student."

Ten years ago today, Daria contributed her thoughts to a People Weekly article on the best- and worst-dressed people of 1998. See what you find of interest in that article.

It is that time of year again for reading the 2008 Daria Fanworks Awards: Written and Visual Works rules. These have kindly been provided by (insert names here later). Thank you!

Want to read some bad fanfiction? Search no more! Go to this link: Scenes No Daria Fanfic Should Have-Who's Holding Daria Now?

Legendeld rants some more about fanfiction at his blog.

Breitasparrow reveals where she got her idea for the Jane-licks-Tom picture: Ewww!

The latest of 1,946 pages at DariaWiki is this one. Welcome to the nuthouse!

969 fans now registered at the Daria Fan Club!

Hmmm, Wikipedia's article on Daria is apparently flawed (introduction is too short). My God, how can we let this go on? Someone fix it, quick!

The list of 2008 fanfic is in need of updating, and I will update the list of the most recent stories here later today. Still having some leftover cold effects. Ugh. Don't get this one, it sucks.


The Angst Guy said...

QUIVERWING! Quiverwing gave us the fanwork award rules! Thank you!

The Angst Guy said...

Today should be called, "Be Strong Stacy Day!" And we should celebrate it by writing fanfic in which Stacy kills someone! Yay!!!!