Once you've got your bread in the oven, it's time to go out and enjoy nature for Take A Hike Day! I'm sure Mr. DeMartino will be happy to come along, but don't eat any glitterberries while you're out there.
Fanfic Update!
- Invader Quinn, by Anguirus1955 (part 7): "Daria looked across the table at Stacey, who was wearing her new X-Scope goggles. Stacey had ordered them a week earlier from Crop Circle Magazine, and they had arrived on Friday."
- National Cynic's Family Reunion (A different Type of Writing Challenge), by Anguirus1955 (COMPLETE!): "I hate Texas, Daria Morgendorffer thought to herself she drove the car past the state line. I was hoping I would never come back here. And yet, half of Dad's family had to live here."
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