Friday, October 25, 2019

I'd Love to See Him Play Football Dressed Like That!

It's Punk for a Day Day, and Kevin is definitely dressed for the occasion. Not that you need an excuse, but this would be a good day to read (or re-read) Charles RB's God Save The Esteem series. It's more punk than...a lot of punk stuff, I guess. I'm not hip to the lingo.

Today is also the Feast of St. Daria, and while no one would actually call Daria a saint, I'm sure she'll be happy to feast on some pizza and/or cheese fries. Why not join in? It is a sacred day, after all!

Pizza and cheese fries sound like an especially good idea, because this happens to be National Greasy Foods Day on top of everything else. I find it hard to believe that's a coincidence, though. Daria's feast day would have to involve greasy food, wouldn't it?

Fandom News!

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