Sunday, January 19, 2020


I would wish Edgar Allan Poe a happy birthday, but "happy" really wasn't his style, was it? Poe, who was born on this day in 1809, was the inspiration for this exchange in "Gifted":
Brittany - The Telltale Heart? I love romance novels!

Daria - Yeah, nothing says "be mine" like a pounding heart beneath a floorboard.
Today is also National Tin Can Day, and I really hope someone remembered to put a can opener in the bomb shelter this time.

The deadline for DFA nominations has been extended three days: 11:59 PM (23:59) UTC 21 January 2020. Please send your nominations for art and writing soon!

Fanfic Update!
  • A Girl and Her Cat, by neonhomer (COMPLETE!): "'Did your mother say what she wanted to talk to me about?' 'Not a clue. She just said for us to both come to the house, that she wanted to talk to you.'"

  • Same Crap, Different Place (Daria and Quinn), by WildDogJJ (part 2): "Quinn and Jim are seated in front of the principal's desk while the principal is seated behind his desk and the school psychiatrist is standing off to the side."

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