Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Watch Out For Vicious Dogs!

Awww, look how happy Mr. DeMartino is for National Postal Worker Day! You can tell this was a wise career change because he has such a big smile on his face. He was never this happy when he had to teach Kevin. Good for you, Mr. DeMartino!

Today is also Monkey Day, so let's all give a big hand to Charles Darwin for always letting Curious George get away with his shenanigans.

Fanfic Update!
  • Daria and Quinn Morgendorffer, by kllngjk2 (COMPLETE!): "June 3, 2023. Tonight, Daria Morgendorffer and her sister Quinn are going to Lawndale Metrodome stadium to see a Florence + the Machine concert."

  • Daria Ravenclaw: The Legend of Sporting Joe, by Meester_Lee (part 10): "Daria dialed Farrah’s number and waited for someone to pick up. Was Farrah there? Would she answer? Would she be willing to talk to her, or would she just blow her off? She waited, hoping for the best while fearing the worst."

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