Friday, January 27, 2023

Cake AND Fun? Wow!

Quinn has absolutely outdone herself for Chocolate Cake Day, and while I'm a big fan of chocolate, cake, and especially chocolate cake I have to be suspicious. I mean, I wouldn't trust that girl to boil a pot of water, so that cake is definitely suspect.

This is also National Fun at Work Day, and since it's Friday I suppose the work day may be more fun than most. Helen, of course, doesn't know the difference between work and fun, so it won't make a difference to her.

Fanfic Update!
  • Annsteemsters, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (COMPLETE!): "That night, all alone in her cold and very dark personal room, Anna Felicia Coulthard lighted a huge black candle and sat down in total silence at the very center of her Pentagram."

  • Cold Heart Attack, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Jim and Vito were sitting in a holding cell. Vito was visibly worried while Jim was just plain pissed."

  • Lower Decks - An Aquatic Second Contact, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "'Captain’s Log Stardate 59063.3. The Cerritos has completed repairs after the Battle against Buenamigo’s Folly. We’re now on route to the Theta Aquarii System, home to a recently first contacted species, close to Klingon Space. We hope to get back into a routine of professionalism.'"

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