Saturday, April 1, 2023

Have a Fun and Foolish Day!

Mr. O'Neill thinks that, as Mr. T., he is pitying the fools on April Fool's Day. However, the rest of us know that the joke is on him, because he is the most foolish fool of them all!

Speaking of which, it was on this day sixteen years ago that all those objects came to life and took over our civilization. I mean, I assume that's what happened because Jane said so, and I'm not going to call her a liar.

Whether you celebrate today with pranks, pitying fools, or defending our way of life from the toaster, be sure to enjoy yourself because it's National Fun Day! Except for Daria, who has previously emphasized her anti-fun stance.

Fanfic Update!
  • Breaking Balmora, by welltemperedclavier (COMPLETE!): "Jeval had no idea what that meant. But Treads seemed to." (Part 15) (Epilogue)

  • Pregnant Prank, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Jim was sitting up in bed while Quinn was in the closet changing into her sleepwear."

  • Quinn's Code 16: The Geek's Expose, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 7): "The group arrived back at the Morgendorffers twelve hours after they had left. 'And so, we're back,' Quinn said dramatically. 'The day is almost over.'"

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