Friday, March 7, 2025
Turning Over a New Leaf
I don't think that the Morgendorffer houseplant is really enjoying Plant Power Day, partly because it just lost one of its leaves and partly because I can't imagine that any living plants last very long in a family as neglectful as this one. Perhaps the Tommy Sherman Memorial Crutch will have better luck.
I hope that Marianne is faring better, because it's Employee Appreciation Day and Helen's assistant doesn't get nearly enough appreciation. I suspect that, if she were to quit, Helen would be completely lost and unable to replace her.
Maybe she could meet up with Cashman's worker Theresa to share horror stories for National Salesperson Day. I think Theresa would win, though, because Marianne only has one overly demanding person to please while Theresa has to deal with the entire Fashion Club.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Shouldn't Have Had So Much Space Cola!
I see that even aliens are celebrating National Potty Dance Day, and with that many legs I'm sure it will be a very interesting performance. If you are struggling to find a bathroom in time, just remember that you can always pee behind those trees. Take care to watch out for pervert squirrels, though.
Daria should take the opportunity on Multiple Personality Day to check in with Eunice and see how things are going. She might still be sad, or she's just wondering what happened to Daria's contact lenses.
Finally, it was on this day in 2001 that the episode "Fat Like Me" first aired. Never mind the somewhat unrealistic "thinly challenged" main plot; I would love to see more of Stacy imitating Tiffany and completely losing her temper. Solid gold comedy right there.
Fanfic Update!
- But You Always Knew the Truth, by riotsquirrrl (part 3): "Daria Morgendorffer was daydreaming. She was looking out the window across the quad, vaguely aware of her classmates crossing the grassy expanse to the dining hall."
- Convergence on Lawndale, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 12): "'Stacy?' the Doctor asked. 'Yes,' Quinn answered. 'She reacted to the flicker in an unusual way.'"
- I (Don't) Want to Be a Part of It, by ladyevil (part 3): "'Now, Daria,' Jake said as Daria packed a duffle bag. 'You know New York isn’t like Lawndale, right?'"
- It's the Spirit that Kills You, by SharksAndRec (part 2): "To say Daria had a favorite class would mean some degree of caring about school at all, something the teen just didn't have the energy for...but if she had to pick the one she tolerated the most, it would have to be DiMartino's English class."
- The Kiss That Entirely Shattered Daria Morgendorffer's Worldview, by janendaria4life (part 2): "Daria's eyes shot open after her alarm rang noisily, leading to her smacking the clock."
- Like a Chicken Running Around With It's Head Cut Off, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "It was just like any other day for Tom Sloane, giving his girlfriend Daria a visit, thinking he could and should invite himself in for a evening of 'Sick, Sad World,' assuming she would be comfortable with it. He knocked on the door and waited."
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have), by ladyevil (COMPLETE!): "Daria woke up feeling utterly dejected. With a groan, she put on her robe, went to her boudoir, and got a bottle of pills."
- Who Needs a Boyfriend When You Got Her?, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "Tom thought he understood Jane Lane."
- Writing Lines (Daria Ravenclaw: Loose Snippets), by Meester_Lee (COMPLETE!): "'And that is all for today,' said Professor Flitwick said as the half-hour rolled around. 'Please make sure that you have read through chapter 16 of your textbooks and don’t forget to practice what we’ve learned today!'"
Monday, March 3, 2025
This Image Makes My Ears Hurt
Grandma Lane is making absolutely sure that Jane can't avoid celebrating World Hearing Day, although if she keeps yelling Jane's ability to hear will be in serious danger. This might be a good day for Daria to visit Mrs. Blaine, because not being able to hear doesn't mean you don't enjoy visitors.
In fact, I think anyone who works or volunteers at the Better Days Retirement Home should get some thanks because it's Caregiver Appreciation Day! People willing to help others deserve every bit of gratitude, and they don't get enough as far as I'm concerned.
Last but not least, today we celebrate the anniversaries of the episodes "Esteemsters" in 1997, "The Old and the Beautiful" in 1999, and "Antisocial Climbers" in 2000. The first introduced the entire series, the second introduced us to Mrs. Blaine, and the third, well...introduced us to Mr. O'Neill's undergarments.
Fandom News!
- darianefan05 shares her thoughts on the recent meeting in the White House regarding Ukraine.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Please, PLEASE Go Back to Frowning!
Daria is serving up both cookies and terror on Share a Smile Day, and I think we're all relieved to know that she only smiles if she has a reason. Even if that reason is to scare any onlookers half to death.
I'll bet Amy is smiling, especially if she's making Helen insanely jealous with postcards on Plan a Solo Vacation Day. Of course, I'm sure Amy would be perfectly fine dropping the "solo" part if Ralph Fiennes offers to join her.
If a vacation is out of the question for you, then you could just take a short and sweet break for Peanut Butter Lovers' Day! Trent might let peanut brittle hijack his brain, or Daria might sit on another ancient sandwich.
Fanfic Update!
- It's the Spirit that Kills You, by SharksAndRec (part 1): "Ghostly attacks on the regular were still not enough to stomp out the march of students through the hallowed and haunted halls of Casper High, and one pair of faux-leather boots were stomping out a particularly determined rhythm."
- The Kiss That Entirely Shattered Daria Morgendorffer's Worldview, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "She kissed him. She, Daria Morgendorffer, had her lips planted onto that damn moron."
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Tiffany, I Choose You!
Tiffany is trying out an unusual look for National Pokemon Day, and while she does look cute I'm afraid that outfit does make her look fat. The good news is that if anyone makes fun of her she can use Bubble Beam on them. It's super effective!
Appropriately enough, it's also No Brainer Day, which is perfect for Tiffany. It's also well-suited for Brittany and Kevin, who celebrate it every day in Mr. DeMartino's his chagrin.
I hope Lawndale is ready for the sudden influx of tourism it's about to experience for National Strawberry Day, because I have no doubt that people will flock from all over the world to see the town's famous Big Strawberry. Or, maybe not. Who can say?
Fandom News!
- R.I.P., Roberta Flack, Michelle Trachtenberg, and Gene Hackman.
- The winners of the 2024 Daria Fanworks Awards winners for Written Works and Visual Works are in!
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
How Quietly Can He Play?
Nick isn't so sure he likes the idea of National Nicholas Day, or maybe that's just the look he gets when Max says something dumb. I bet he gets that look a lot.
I just hope he doesn't get it into his head to play the bass, because it's Quiet Day and that would completely defeat the purpose. This is probably one of Daria's favorite days, or it would be if she was ever able to celebrate it.
The episode "Partner's Complaint" aired on this day in 2000, and things were anything but quiet during the many altercations that took place. Unless you count the occasionally chilly silence between Daria and Jane.
Fanfic Update!
- Daria Ravenclaw: The Legend of Sporting Joe, by Meester_Lee (part 22): "Julia stood motionless and stared at the car that had come up behind her. The Coppers or someone very much like them had found her."
- Daria's Great Adventure, by dmsfanman (part 43): "Daria sat at her desk in the Martian Mission to the UN staring out the window. It was a beautiful morning. On her computer stood her finished speech for the upcoming opening of the General Assembly."
- Flustered and Burned, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "Daria stood in front of the door of Casa Lane, twisting the knob of the unlocked door as she casually walked in, almost as if the house were her own."
- Spider Quinn 14 Battle and Consequence, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "SpiderGirl climbed out onto the roof at the usual time. ‘Lawndale sounds slightly better,’ she thought."
Sunday, February 23, 2025
She's Got No Strings...or Brain Cells
Tiffany is acting even more artificial than ever before, in honor of Pinocchio Day. While I'm sure she'd love to be a real girl, I don't think even Dr. Shar will be able to help with her nose if either Quinn or Sandi ask her whose side she's on.
Jodie, meanwhile, might celebrate Play Tennis Day because she's on the Lawndale High Tennis Team. On second thought, she'd probably much rather just skip the whole thing and have the day off. For once.
On this day in 1998, the episode "The Daria Hunter" aired. Not only did we learn that Helen is forty-six--I mean, forty-four, but we got to witness the unholy birth of the relationship between Barch and O'Neill. Shudders all around.
Fandom News!
- The deadline to vote for the 2024 Daria Fanworks Awards is today! Vote if you haven't yet!
- cortez shares a theory on why Quinn chases popularity.
fandom news,
the daria hunter
Friday, February 21, 2025
Slow Speech is in the Cards!
Tiffany is ready and waiting to take your call on Card Reading Day, but I hope you're prepared to wait a long time to find out what your fortune is. It might be better to celebrate with BloodyWilliam's latest Daria tarot card project, which is much, much cooler.
On the subject of future alter egos, today is the anniversary of the founding of NASCAR in 1948! If Stacy did decide to become a racecar driver after high school, I hope Sandi kept her comments to herself. Or got run over by Stacy's car. Either one is fine!
Honestly, the worst Sandi could do is banish Stacy from the popular kids' table, but that wouldn't be right because it's No One Eats Alone Day! Daria, on the other hand, would be happy to celebrate this one. Perhaps making an exception for Jane.
Fanfic Update!
- Daria Ravenclaw: The Legend of Sporting Joe, by Meester_Lee (part 21): "The ride back to the Settles was quiet but tense. The only conversation was between Mr. Weatley and Julia’s mother."
- Janecoin (Iron Chef: Remembering Jane), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "When Ed checked his old Facebook account and saw the notification of Jane Lane's untimely death at age 41 in what appeared to be an accident caused by a drunk driver, he was shocked."
- Mysteries of Aurora, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 10): "After having lunch at the coffee house cafeteria, Olivia headed back to the Library."
- The Thrill Be Damned, by riotsquirrrl (COMPLETE!): "God, she hated these networking things. Daria stood off to the side of an industry mixer, feeling lost."
- Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Remembering Jane), by AnxiousMillennialCowgirl (COMPLETE!): "When Andrea saw the post from Jodie Landon on the Lawndale High: Class of 2002 page that Jane Lane had died after a long battle with brain cancer, her initial feelings were of the sadness of having someone her age die rather than genuine grief."
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Theeeeese Staaaaars are Shiiiiiny....
Tiffany is about to be deeply disappointed to learn that Nicolaus Copernicus, born on this day in 1473, was right and the universe does not revolve around her. I'm just kidding, of course. The day Tiffany successfully learns anything will be a very cold day in Hell.
However, Smart Tiffany does occasionally exist in fanfic, and Kara Wild published an essay on this day in 2000 on this very topic: "The Off-Canon Approach." What does it mean for a story to be just like a Daria episode versus veering off into non-canon territory? Read the essay and consider the ideas.
Finally, the episode "Fizz Ed" first aired on this day in 2001, and the subject matter has only gotten more relevant with time. Just so we're clear, I'm referring to corporate marketing in schools, not principals attacking soda machines with axes.
Fandom News!
- There's still time to vote for the 2024 Daria Fanworks Awards!
- Lord Goring created a thread where you post words.
- cfardell_Brenorenz29 posted a new Iron Chef: Remembering Jane.
fandom news,
fizz ed
Monday, February 17, 2025
Do Butterflies Sing Opera?
Daria's got the wrong idea, because today is the anniversary of the premiere of Madama Butterfly in 1904, which doesn't feature any actual butterflies. I don't think Jane will be impressed, either, because we know how she feels about delicate winged insects after hearing about them from her mother. Still, I hope Mr. DeMartino is planning to see the opera performed in the PayDay automotive department! Refreshments in the form of free samples will be served.
Mack will be less than impressed to know that today is also Michael Jordan's 62nd birthday, but maybe this will be a good chance to change his middle name back to James. Maybe the Lane naming gazebo is available!
In Daria-specific anniversaries, the episode "Daria!" aired on this day in 1999 and the Sarcastathon 3000 aired on this day in 2001. I don't think anyone from the musical episode will be joining the opera performance at PayDay anytime soon.
Fanfic Update!
- Our Friend in City Hall (Daria and The Gang Thread), by roentgen (COMPLETE!): "Going to City Hall was always the sucky part of the week, Stacy Rowe thought."
- Spider Quinn 14 Battle and Consequence, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 4): "At Casa Lane, Jane was still thinking about what was happening with Tania when a report came on the radio."
- Unattainable Lane, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "Daria sat on the couch, waiting impatiently for Jane to arrive so they could watch the upcoming 'Sick, Sad World' marathon."
- Valentine's Daze, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Stacy's brother, Adam Rowe, was quite the playboy. After work, he'd gone to the local bar. Now, he was coming home with a hot, buxom blond that he'd picked up." (Part 2) (Part 3)
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Gimme Some Chocolate, Dammit!
I think that Mrs. Johanssen must have misheard because although it's Make Mine Chocolate day she appears to have asked someone to "make ME chocolate." I'll have no problems celebrating this one, especially as today is another one of my favorite holidays: discount candy day.
Yesterday, of course, was Valentine's Day, but today we flip the script and celebrate Singles Awareness Day instead. Daria has plenty of experience with this one, and I'll bet she prefers it that way. Especially after her multiple spectacular failures in dating throughout the show.
On this day in 1999, "Daria Day 99" aired on MTV. There don't appear to be any clips or even a transcript out there for this one, so any Daria treasure hunters should consider this the Holy Grail of Daria finds!
Fandom News!
- Don't forget to vote for the 2024 Daria Fanworks Awards!
- ladyevil shares her ideas for Daria Valentine Cards.
daria day 99,
fandom news,
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Kiss and Tell Someone You're Sorry
Daria is all set to celebrate Kiss Day, but the question is, who's going to take her up on it? I imagine Tom would not be welcome, considering their history, but maybe Trent would be an acceptable alternative? Assuming he's awake, that is.
It seems appropriate that today is also National Apology Day, because Daria kissing people tends to lead to problems. I imagine the phrase "kiss and make up" has an entirely different meaning to her.
If you mess up so badly that even an apology won't cover it, you could always observe Get a Different Name Day and get a fresh start. Just remember Jake's advice: "Walk away. You change your name, move to another state, get some ID. It's not too late to start over, Daria, it's not too late! You're still a young man! You don't have to live with your mistakes! Get out while you can!"
Fanfic Update!
- Her Last Words, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 80): "Lawndale High School was for sure, just like the once peaceful and sleepy town all around it, simply not the same anymore."
- Red (Daria and The Gang Thread), by roentgen (COMPLETE!): "The worst part of any morning was 6:20 am when Scarlett LeFaye's phone alarm went off."
- Timmy's Awokening, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Kevin was frantically pounding on the door to Daryl's apartment, having followed him all the way from the Carbone's Super Bowl party."
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Keep Watching the Geeky Skies!
I see Lawndale is busy celebrating Extraterrestrial Culture Day, and I'm sure Artie is in there somewhere. I'm not sure if he's there to have fun or to educate others, but either way you can bet he'll show up before too long.
Trent is more likely to play music (or a close approximation of it) because it's not only Get Out Your Guitar Day but also National Guitar Day! If he decides to perform at the UFO convention, then I'm sure the place will be empty within minutes.
I think he'd be better off playing in Max's Tank, and not just because it's National Van Day. If we're lucky, the van will break down somewhere inconvenient and no one will have to listen to his music at all!
Fandom News!
fandom news,
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Watch Out For That Extra Grease!
Daria and Jane have clearly taken National Pizza Day much, much too far, but that won't stop them from ordering another pie. If you celebrate, please be responsible or at least keep some antacids handy!
Pizza would make an excellent treat for any football fans that are planning to watch the Super Bowl today! I'm sure Kevin will be among them, but Ms. Li might decide to schedule another school review meeting so watch out for that.
Please don't tell Ms. Barch that today is Man Day, because I'm sure it's her least favorite day of the year. However, Jake and Trent should feel free to sing songs about being manly as long as they don't immediately get into a car crash afterward.
Fanfic Update!
- The Feast of Lupercal, by Blake C Stacey (BlakeStacey) (part 4): "Daria found Saavik in the mythology aisle. The classification, as befits used books, was imprecise."
- I (Don't) Want to Be a Part of It, by ladyevil (part 2): "Meanwhile, on the streets of New York, Jesse hurried across an intersection, arms filled with two manuscripts and guitar case in hand."
- Mysteries of Aurora, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 9): "Olivia soon changed into her swimming costume, and had a look at one of the pools."
- Spider Quinn 14 Battle and Consequence, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 3): "They came to a corner office, after evading another of those robot arms."
- Timmy's Awokening, by wilddogjj (parts 1 and 2): "Jim and Quinn were sitting at the kitchen table. Quinn was reading mail while Jim was assembling small figurines of various players for the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles." (Part 2)
Friday, February 7, 2025
Can He Pirouette?
Mr. DeMartino is surprisingly graceful as he celebrates National Ballet Day, but judging by the look on his face Kevin is nearby and about to cause a serious problem. Daria, meanwhile, will continue to regret not taking ballet the next time she has to pee outdoors...but let's hope those occasions are quite rare.
Unfortunately, Mr. D. has committed a grave faux pas by wearing a pink tutu, because it's National Wear Red Day! Jane, fortunately, has been observing this day almost constantly for years.
I'm sure Ted will be happy to know that today is Bubble Gum Day, and he can chew to his heart's content. On the other hand, if he's only tried the non-bubble variety then he might not be ready for the hard stuff yet.
Fandom News!
- Meester_Lee wonders about Daria going goth.
- cortez has a question about Steve Taylor and the crystal trophy.
- Could Amtrak be coming to Ronkonkoma?
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
You Go, Girls!
Jane is certainly having a successful National Girls and Women in Sports Day, because "women can excel at any sport they put their minds to." This quote would be more inspirational if it hadn't been jerkass Evan who said it, but it's still true.
Let's hope she runs like the wind instead of breaking wind, even if it is National Fart Day. I guess that would be one way to keep the other runners from catching up, because you can't run if you're trying to hold your breath.
Still, while farting in public would be a social disaster, it would be appropriate for Disaster Day! With the Super Bowl coming up, be careful not to wear cream to any parties because "Dip is short for dipsaster!"
Fanfic Update!
- A Moment in the Post Fashion Club Life of Tiffany Blum-Deckler, by Chaoslordsquidward (COMPLETE!): "Tiffany sat down in silence in history class. This isn’t how things used to be."
Monday, February 3, 2025
Do They Have Birdlike Appetites?
Jake and Helen have chosen a truly unorthodox method of celebrating Feed the Birds Day, but I guess when you've had your fill of frozen lasagna then any meal sounds good. I just hope we don't have to see any regurgitation.
Meanwhile, I'm sure Jane would much rather celebrate American Painters Day because she is both American and a painter. The only question is, will she celebrate by painting or by enjoying the work of her favorite artists? The answer is most likely both.
Fandom News!
fandom news,
helen and jake as birds,
Saturday, February 1, 2025
How Many of Those Tattoos Did He Get Out of a Magazine?
Jake has taken International Face and Body Art Day fully to heart, as every visible bit of him (and possibly bits that aren't visible) have clearly been covered with artwork. I'm not sure if Axl just had a very busy day or if Jake went with a less permanent option. Knowing Jake's pain tolerance--or lack thereof--I suspect it's the latter.
You'd think Jane would be celebrating this one, but actually she decided to go with Decorating With Candy Day instead. Let's just hope she's able to keep Tom away from her art supplies and/or gummy bears.
Finally, I'd like to wish one of Daria's least talkative characters a happy National Sean Day! If Quinn ever lets him get a word in, I guarantee that the word will be "What?"
Fanfic Update!
- Cynic and the Tower of Joy, by Meester_Lee (part 4): "'We’re getting away from the reason we’re here,' said Miley. 'We want you to release your prisoners.'"
- Her Last Words, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (parts 78 and 79): "November had come to Pennsylvania with a vast and silvery sky, the frost was quite severe for that time of the year, the wind blowing from Lake Erie was fierce and every tree in the town had already lost all of those colorful leaves now that Autumn was over." Part 79
- Spider Quinn 14 Battle and Consequence, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "Quinn was designing something when her door was flung open. 'Tania Ashworth?' she asked. 'What are you doing here?'"
- Warmth Like Vinyl, by Val_Creative (COMPLETE!): "As the years go on, Trent stops answering questions about settling down. He's nearing forty."
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Hi-Yo, Mack Daddy!
Mack is celebrating the anniversary of "The Lone Ranger," which debuted as a radio show on this day in 1930. Unfortunately, if he thinks that mask is going to hide his identity from Kevin and thus offer him any peace, he's going to be disappointed.
If anyone wants any ideas for observing National Inane Answering Message Day, Upchuck has a few options:
"This is Charles. I can't come to the phone right now, because I am occupado. I could tell you what I am doing, but let's not ruin the mystery. At the tone, leave your name, number, and the time you called, and I will get back to you as soon as I can tear myself away from my life of intrigue, about which I cannot be specific, lest I put both my life and yours in danger."
"No, no...not now, girls! This is Charles Ruttheimer the Third, and you have reached my answering machine...please, ladies, patience!...speak clearly at the tone and...I'm on my way, my dears!...they so hate to be kept waiting...anyway, I'll get back to you as soon as possible...if this is an emergency, well, so is a woman on fire!"
"You have successfully contacted the underground grotto of The Ruttheimer Group, currently engineering our secret plan to achieve world domination by the year 2010. If you would like to know more about our plans to gain global control of mass media, subjugate the military forces of every nation on Earth, and install Charles Ruttheimer the Third as supreme ruler of all humankind, please leave your name and address at the beep, and we will send you an informative brochure and a free bumper sticker."
On second thought, you'd better just come up with your own. Upchuck's are a little too inane.
Fandom News!
- Remember to submit your nominations for the 2024 Daria Fanworks Awards!
- An amateur astronomer mistook Elon Musk's orbiting Tesla for an asteroid recently.
- cortez suggests that the pictures we see at the end of the Daria episodes are actually parallel universe counterparts.
fandom news,
lone ranger
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Pop Goes the Artist
Daria has decided to celebrate Pop Art Day by creating her own knock-off featuring Jane. This will be a relief to Jane, who has painted more than her share of knock-offs and will be happy to take a break.
I'm sure Jane would rather celebrate the anniversary of Jackson Pollock's birth on this day in 1912, anyway. I'm sure it wouldn't be necessary to decorate the entire high school gym, though, as once was certainly enough.
Finally, let's wish Daria's favorite aunt a happy National Amy Day, and let's hope she's able to take another fun vacation to make Helen sick with jealousy. Especially if she's able to get Ralph Fiennes to join her.
Fanfic Update!
- The Engineer and the Time Lady, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 25): "Kristoff grew exhasperated as the Trolls continued to try to pair him with Anna. (Although some were also looking at Lena.)"
- I'm Sure Now, by goodmorninggrayson (COMPLETE!): "Stacy Rowe couldn't stop herself from staring at the alluringly confident Quinn Morgendorffer on the hot pink towel with a smiling sun with black dots for eyes that they currently shared since Quinn had forgotten hers."
- Spider Quinn 14 Battle and Consequence, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "The Griffins were running late. Tom, Linda and Sandi were ready, but Sam and Chris were dragging their heels."
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Is It a G'Day?
I don't think Daria is feeling too impressed by Australia Day, but considering she's not Australian I suppose that's only natural. Then again, maybe she's just heard a few too many Crocodile Dundee jokes and is getting fed up with them.
To any married Daria fans, whether or not you're Australian, have a happy Spouse’s Day! Jake and Helen might take a few moments to greet each other today, but I wouldn't count on too much quality time from either of them.
Honestly, maybe we should all just indulge our sweet tooths and celebrate National Peanut Brittle Day instead. I'm sure Trent would be happy to comply, as he's been known to let peanuts hijack his brain.
Fandom News!
- Please don't forget to nominate for the 2024 Daria Fanworks Awards!
- Discuss television producers whose influence is still felt to this day.
- cortez suggests an alternative rift between Daria and Jane.
fandom news,
Friday, January 24, 2025
They're Just Nuts about Nuts!
Jane is having second thoughts about celebrating National Peanut Butter Day, but I'm sure Daria is relieved to be rid of the thing. Let's hope Trent doesn't smell the peanuts, or else his brain will get hijacked again. Moth to a flame. Et cetera.
The least Jane could do is cheer Daria up with a nice comment in honor of Compliment Day. Perhaps she could praise the peanut butter stain on the back of Daria's pants, or the adorable way she blushes whenever Trent speaks to her. I suspect both remarks would be equally welcome.
Someone should say something encouraging to Mr. DeMartino, too, because it's International Day of Education and I think he could use a little inspiration if he wants to face another classroom full of imbecilic morons. Or is it moronic imbeciles?
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
I think Mr. DeMartino waited too long to observe Come in From the Cold Day, but now that he's inside he'll hopefully thaw quickly. I'm going to celebrate by not going out into the cold in the first place if I can possibly help it, and I hope you all stay warm if you can!
Jane and Trent's father is probably outdoors taking photographs, but it may not be cold wherever he is because he could be anywhere in the world. That's okay, though, because it's National Vincent Day and he can celebrate however he wants. Just as long as he keeps his dangerous chemicals out of reach of anyone who might accidentally drink them.
Someone should tell Mrs. Johansen that it's National Polka Dot Day and she can wear her dress with pride. Unless she's already taken Quinn's advice about the vertical stripes.
Fandom News!
Monday, January 20, 2025
What Kind of Bird Snuff Film Is This?
Note that this is not the recommended way to celebrate Penguin Awareness Day, but you can't deny that this image is difficult to ignore. I would like to wish certain members of fandom that shall remain nameless a great day!
Speaking of unpleasant things, today is National Charlie Day so maybe we could celebrate by not calling Upchuck by his usual nickname. Then again, if he decides to observe National DJ Day as well, then I make no promises.
In fact, once Upchuck turns his personality on overdrive it might be best for everyone else to celebrate Take A Walk Outdoors Day. I'm sure Mr. DeMartino will be happy to join in, because he's always up for a hike!
Fanfic Update!
- Casual, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "It was somewhere around dusk and Lawndale's spoiled rich boy, Tom Sloane, parked his shitty car in front of the curb of Casa Lane."
- I (Don't) Want to Be a Part of It, by ladyevil (COMPLETE!): "It took a couple of group therapy sessions and hours of debate, but Daria, Quinn and Helen found that there was one thing they could agree on. They all liked to watch The Saturday Sinful Cinema with Lazarus."
- Mysteries of Aurora, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 8): "Freya burst out of her room shortly after 8 o'clock. 'Today is a new day!'"
- Spider Quinn 13 Aftermath and Investigations, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "Quinn felt the tingle as she entered the dining room, where Daria had laid out the documents she had obtained with the fourth vigilante two nights before."
- Teddy the Time Bomb, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Teddy was now stuck in the principal's office because he'd written a short story for language arts that the teacher found disturbing." (Part 3)
lots of new and continued fanfiction,
Saturday, January 18, 2025
The Many Pitfalls of Caffeine
Daria is enjoying a nice mug of coffee that may or may not be gourmet in honor of National Gourmet Coffee Day, but don't let Quinn catch her drinking it. She'll expound at length on the horrors of dark circles until the coffee is cold.
Can anyone think of any good synonyms for coffee? It's Thesaurus Day and I'd hate to feel that my vocabulary was lacking, flawed, meager, deficient, or inadequate.
On this day in 2002, Daria was featured in an article in Animation Magazine. It looked back at the show's run and discussed the Is It College Yet? movie, and ended on a hopeful note for the show in syndication...which may have been more optimistic than it should have been.
Fandom News!
- If you're going to nominate for the 2024 Daria Fanworks Awards, you'd better do it soon, because the deadline is tomorrow!
- R.I.P., David Lynch.
animation magazine,
fandom news,
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Now THAT'S a Dragon Lady!
I don't think anyone's going to risk ignoring Appreciate a Dragon Day, especially with that angry expression on Brittany's face. I'm sure Kevin will find some way to piss her off, though, most likely by cheating on her. With a wyvern.
The good news is that Kevin probably will taste good, especially once she burns him to a crisp. While the snack will certainly be hot, if Brittany wants to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Food Day then she should talk to Jake about borrowing some of his pepper.
Daria, meanwhile, will most likely avoid all of the drama entirely and celebrate National Nothing Day instead. She would do well to remember her own advice: "the negative, which is the nothingness of being and the annihilating power both together, is nothingness."
Fanfic Update!
- The Feast of Lupercal, by Blake C Stacey (BlakeStacey) (COMPLETE!): "Saavik was stepping out of the bathroom and doing up the buttons on her shirt when she smelled what was most definitely coffee."
- Reboot, by roentgen (COMPLETE!): "Tom Sloane woke up in his dorm room at Bromwell. It was the 11,789th time he had done so."
- Teddy the Time Bomb, by wilddogjj (part 1): "Quinn and Jim's son, Teddy, is walking towards his locker at school. Upon reaching said locker, he sighs."
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
A Shocking Way to Celebrate!
Mr. DeMartino is clearly regretting his decision to celebrate International Kite Day during a thunderstorm, but on the bright side he just discovered a cheap method of resuscitating himself if he suffers another heart attack. If you fly a kite today, please be safe and also watch out for kite-eating trees!
I hope Quinn realizes that, even though it's National Shop For Travel Day, she should exercise restraint and--ha, I'm just kidding. Quinn has no idea how to not shop. At the very least, I hope she doesn't allow her travel gear to replace life-saving supplies.
On this day in 2002, the "Look Back In Annoyance" aired on MTV. It was a half-hour retrospective of the show, but Daria put it much more succinctly as "a cheap-ass clip show."
Fandom News!
fandom news,
look back in annoyance,
Sunday, January 12, 2025
A Pint-Sized "Nope."
Young Daria is absolutely not happy about celebrating National Youth Day, but that's okay because Young Quinn is happy enough for both of them. In fact, Young Quinn might be happy enough for the entire world. I'm a little worried that she might explode from joy.
If Daria were feeling affectionate (which is a very big "if" that isn't likely to happen), then she could observe Kiss a Ginger Day. Given the choice, I think she'd be better off kissing Quinn than the other infamous ginger on the show...Upchuck.
Helen, meanwhile, will probably be celebrating neither of those holidays because it's Work Harder Day and that's all the excuse she needs. Then again, I'm not sure if it's physically possible for her to work any harder than she usually does without the use of cloning technology.
Fanfic Update!
- A Real American, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Jim was with Tony, Eric, Wayne, Bud and Chuck at the shooting range. Jim squeezed off a few rounds from his Beretta handgun."
- Spider Quinn 13 Aftermath and Investigations, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 9): "After finishing her shift, Quinn went up to the roof. But before she changed to SpiderGirl, she looked around at the town."
Friday, January 10, 2025
Helen Would Be So Proud
I don't think that Quinn is having a very good National Shareholders Day, but her employees are having an even worse one. I'd like to imagine that in this scenario Quinn and Sandi are competing business magnates within the same field, each intent on beating the other.
I suppose today would be a good day for these poor terrified souls to consider finding a new job, and not just because it's Quitters Day. This should be a familiar situation for Quinn, who once quit the Fashion Club (although it was under a massive guilt trip) and triggered a total collapse of the club as a result.
Speaking of the Fashion Club, it's also Peculiar People Day and I encourage all of you to be just as peculiar as you want! This should be no problem for Lawndale, which seems to be entirely populated by the most peculiar people you've ever met.
Fandom News!
- Remember to nominate for the 2024 Daria Fanworks Awards!
- Discuss Justin Trudeau stepping down as leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister of Canada.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
The King He Is Not
Trent is trying out a new style of music in honor of the anniversary of Elvis Presley's birth on this day in 1935. Unfortunately for Trent, Elvis had actual musical talent, so the homage isn't likely to go very well.
Even so, I expect he'll keep Daria's attention and not just because it's Male Watcher's Day. Jane will probably join in if any cute boys happen by, but only because she's thinking of buying those shoes.
Be sure to dust off those QWERTY skills because it's Typing Day and I want those keys to start clicking! Jake might get distracted by the Panda Cam, but I have no doubt that Quinn will use her favorite emojis: Smiley face, surprised face, wink!
Fanfic Update!
- 15 Years On, by DrT9999 (COMPLETE!): "Even five feet from the mountain's base, Daria wouldn't have guessed there was any sort of usable entrance to a cave system, except for the few traces of footprints in the meager gravel (most of the area was bare rock) leading into a small indentation in the rock face."
- Heavenly wine and roses, by riotsquirrrl (part 5): "The previews for the art house movie theater are pretty basic and flash across the screen, advertising local businesses and coming features. Tom and Daria are the only ones in the theater."
- A Real American, by wilddogjj (part 2): "Jim was angrily pounding on the door to his father's apartment. The reason for Jim's anger was his recent discovery of his true origin."
- The Trials of Miss Morgendorffer, by TrentMckay (COMPLETE!): "The town of Lawndale, nestled among the rolling hills and bramble-choked woods of New England, was not a place for the faint of heart."
- Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have), by roentgen (COMPLETE!): "Sandi Griffin was dead. 'That was to be expected,' she thought. 'Can't live forever, although I was hoping that they would cure that.'"
lots of new and continued fanfiction
Monday, January 6, 2025
Helen and Jake are just adorable together for Cuddle Up Day, and they look so happy that it's easy to recognize this as a fantasy sequence rather than real life. I would like to think that Helen and Jake do have their moments of calm and togetherness, at least in between the phone calls from work and rants about childhood.
When they're done with their one-on-one time, they could spend some quality time with Quinn by taking her out for lunch and listening to her poetry in honor of National Take a Poet to Lunch Day! She could even regale them with the greasy fry poem.
Daria, however, would far rather be burned at the stake like Joan of Arc, who was born on this day in 1412. I'm not sure if the prospect of spending time with her family or listening to bad poetry is worse to her, but either one would drive her to, in her own words, order a stake.
Fandom News!
- E. A. Smith wonders how authors deal with bad reviews.
- What is the stupidest rule in sports?
- Nominations for the 2024 Daria Fanworks Awards are open!
fandom news,
joan of arc,
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Don't Let It Oxidize!
Jake has many regrets, and only the least of them is that he prepared penne on National Spaghetti Day. Trent will be disappointed, too, because spaghetti (or anything similar to it) is his favorite.
Daria and Jane, meanwhile, might spend some time sharing information about the Middle Ages in honor of Trivia Day. No one said that the information had to be accurate, after all.
If they do spend any time at a Medieval fair or any other school event, though, I hope they stay alert because it's World Hypnotism Day and Ms. Li might decide to go behind simple subliminal messages. They don't want to be tithing their earnings to Lawndale High for the rest of their lives.
Fanfic Update!
- 15 Years On, by DrT9999 (part 2): "General John Springfield was not happy, and when a two star general is not happy, his aides and others around him become nervous."
- Daria Considers Change, by DrT9999 (COMPLETE!): "Silence reigned in Jane's bedroom for a moment."
- Daria's Rugrats (IC Runaway Daria), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "Soon, three year old Angelica and her father, Drew, had arrived. She walked over to the playpen area."
- fall in love with a girl, by bea0e (COMPLETE!): "Come on, Jane, you know you’re better than this."
- A Real American, by wilddogjj (part 1): "Jim, Jamie, Chuck and Chris were in Kevin's driveway while Kevin showed off the new license plate on his Dodge Ram."
- Spider Quinn 13 Aftermath and Investigations, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 8): "SpiderGirl and Ninja Talon approached the Oscorp office space from an alleyway."
Thursday, January 2, 2025
No One Will Be Saluting Him
On the one hand, I think that someone should explain to Upchuck that Run it up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes It Day isn't meant to be taken literally, and you aren't supposed to run yourself up there. On the other hand, while he's up there he won't be bothering anyone, so maybe we should just let him stay right where he is.
Actually, this would be an interesting way to celebrate World Introvert Day, because there's only room for one person up there so there's no need to worry about being overwhelmed by other people. Daria would be happy enough up there as long as she was able to bring a book.
I hope she chooses a book by Isaac Asimov, because it's both the anniversary of his birth and National Science Fiction Day. Instead of reading a science fiction story, though, Daria could recreate the alien space babes look with Jane. It's probably safe to do so with Upchuck stuck on top of a flagpole.
Fandom News!
- Vote in the Celebrity Deathmatch poll between Maggie Simpson and Stewie Griffin.
- R.I.P., Jimmy Carter and Linda Lavin.
- The 2024 Daria Fanfiction list has been posted.
- cortez is skeptical about Quinn remaining friends with Sandi in the finale.
fandom news,
introvert day,
isaac asimov,
science fiction
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