Jake has many regrets, and only the least of them is that he prepared penne on National Spaghetti Day. Trent will be disappointed, too, because spaghetti (or anything similar to it) is his favorite.
Daria and Jane, meanwhile, might spend some time sharing information about the Middle Ages in honor of Trivia Day. No one said that the information had to be accurate, after all.
If they do spend any time at a Medieval fair or any other school event, though, I hope they stay alert because it's World Hypnotism Day and Ms. Li might decide to go behind simple subliminal messages. They don't want to be tithing their earnings to Lawndale High for the rest of their lives.
Fanfic Update!
- 15 Years On, by DrT9999 (part 2): "General John Springfield was not happy, and when a two star general is not happy, his aides and others around him become nervous."
- Daria Considers Change, by DrT9999 (COMPLETE!): "Silence reigned in Jane's bedroom for a moment."
- Daria's Rugrats (IC Runaway Daria), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "Soon, three year old Angelica and her father, Drew, had arrived. She walked over to the playpen area."
- fall in love with a girl, by bea0e (COMPLETE!): "Come on, Jane, you know you’re better than this."
- A Real American, by wilddogjj (part 1): "Jim, Jamie, Chuck and Chris were in Kevin's driveway while Kevin showed off the new license plate on his Dodge Ram."
- Spider Quinn 13 Aftermath and Investigations, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 8): "SpiderGirl and Ninja Talon approached the Oscorp office space from an alleyway."