Also on this day in 1770, Marie Antoinette and (soon-to be) King Louis XVI were married. I think we all know how that story ended, but Quinn learned the important stuff in Is It Fall Yet?
Quinn: Did Marie Antoinette really have the champagne glasses molded after her...you know?
David: We really should be focusing more on the politics of the Revolution, but that's what they say. If she'd been a different body type, we'd be drinking champagne out of bowls.
Helen: David, I must say I'm quite impressed. I've never seen Quinn have so much fun studying.
Quinn: That's because in school they only teach you the really boring stuff. Mom? Dad? Did you know Marie Antoinette never said "let them eat cake"? That expression comes from a story about a princess, written by Rousseau. Right?
David: Right.
Jake: Lousy tabloids!
Fandom News!
- The Angst Guy is looking for suggestions for storage space for his website. Any ideas?
- ninetwelve discusses his experience with Daria fandom.
- What was MTV trying to do with Daria in Highland? Or did they have any idea?
- Two new threads in the Weapons of Mass Distraction forum discuss Themepark 1984 (a documentary) and Eurovision 2011 (a televised competition).
- RX-87 posted a new Iron Chef in the Creative Writing forum: Title Sequences.
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