- The First 24, by LadieT (COMPLETE!): "'Can I come in?' Daria's voice sounded tired through the door. Jane got up and opened the door. Daria stepped into the room, grabbed the desk chair and moved it next to Jane's bed. Jane sat back down and the two stared at each other in silence. Jane reached out and took Daria's hand in hers. Daria was going to pull her hand back at first, but relented and allowed it to stay in the raven-haired woman's firm, but gentle grip. 'I don't want to be some sort of experimental or rebound thing for you,' Daria whispered."
- Lawndale and Sandi Griffin's Genie, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 4): "Joey had an idea. 'See if you can distract them whilst I try to look at what information she has.' 'How?' Tiffany asked. 'Do whatever you do to distract Sandi. Ask them if you look fat or something,' Joey said. 'Do I look fat?' 'You don't look fat,' Joey said, as he tried to approach the computers. Tiffany gulped, and then went into distraction mode; 'Ms. Li-i, does this zero gravity make me look fat?'"
- LLH Alternate Future - 08 - Get Real, by psychotol (COMPLETE!): "'I guess that means Pat won't have as highly evolved a game plan as he'd have against the rest of us.' 'He's free world, I'm rabbit.' Said Daria. 'Huh?' asked Dawn. 'Trust me.' Replied Daria."
- Not So Different 26: Magic Eightball, by J-D (COMPLETE!): "Sonny stood up. 'I'm going home. Maybe the change of surroundings will stimulate my thought processes. Maybe the walk will clear my head. Or maybe I'll get really lucky and a drunk driver will jump the kerb and hospitalise me for long enough that I don't have to finish this assignment. At least if I get out of here my creative block can't jinx your painting.' 'Yeah, I might get so lucky that a meteor smashes through the window and my skull, splattering my brains over the canvas to create the greatest work of art ever seen.' 'Thanks for trying to cheer me up.'"
- Not So Different 27: Re-Envisioning, by J-D (COMPLETE!): "Sonny perched on the edge of the bed. 'I don't actually need any help. I just wanted a simple opinion ...' Quinn seemed not to hear. 'First of all we have to think about choice of colour. But once you've started you can always add options. Maybe you'd prefer to start with clear lenses, which would draw less attention to begin with.' Sonny half rose. 'Thanks, Quinn, really, but I think I can ...' 'Once we see what your new face looks like, we can think about how to change your hair to frame it ... from there we'd move to new clothes ...' Sonny bolted."
- Parts of a (Bung)Hole, by RX-87 (parts 3 and 4): "That rational part of her was just a voice in the distance now, grousing about somebody noticing the marks on Beavis, about security cameras, about her future or lack thereof. Was it really worth it? 'I am so fired.' Jane said in her most blase voice to her otherwise empty apartment. Yes, strangely it had been." (Part 4)
- Questions Asked Questions Answered & Pizza w/ Jane Ch 4, by Lord Yellowtail (part 2): "For the briefest moment, she imagined Emperor Palpatine with the Columbian Coffee Guy’s donkey and a steaming mug of some unpronounceable preppy coffee drink, and thought it’d be quite a funny picture if she knew someone who could draw it. Then she blinked and crushed the thought at her best speed, a slight snarl briefly crossing her features."
- Rude Awakening Ep 5: Switching Formats, by DIsaac (part 5): "MACK: I'll try not to interrupt you, Daria. DARIA: Thanks, Mack. Jane, can you make the same promise? JANE: (laughs): You know you are telling a Lane to keep herself in order. Daria, A Lane and order doesn't go together at all. It's a complete shock that I have a STEADY job at all."
- Save the Last Trance for Me, by jtranser: "The loathsome monstrosity that once was Kevin, slowly writhed its way up onto the beach until it came up to Brittany. Shrugging its lime green psuedopods, it squaveled itself erect, rippled its thoracic plates and spoke: 'Yo, Brit, check out my pecs, Babe.'"

Also, updates may be a bit sporadic over the next week or so as I will be out of town until Memorial Day. I'll still post when I can, though!
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