Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Okay, Then I Won't Mind the Bollocks!

It's Punk for a Day Day! Join the latest fandom craze, as seen in Charles RB's God Save the Esteem series. Kevin's getting into it; why not you?

Today is also the Feast Day of Saints Chrysanthus and Daria. Okay, it's not the same Daria, but it's still kind of cool to say.

Finally, this is World Pasta Day. Enjoy some penne a la pesto before it oxidizes!

Fandom News!


The Bug Guy said...

You, of all people, forgot that this is St. Crispin's Day?

Kristen Bealer said...

I guess so. :)

In my defense, it's a whole lot easier to connect punks, Saint Daria, and pasta to Daria than it is to connect St. Crispin's Day!

The Bug Guy said...

After how many times I slipped Henry V into Daria fanfiction? ;)

WildBlogintheWest said...

FYI, PPMB is currently inaccessible (and for the next couple of hours) due to Site5 maintenance. I got too busy and forgot to post a notice. So if you were on it from 12 am to 2 am CST and now can't access it, that's why.

DIsaac said...

Thanks! Daria Blog comes to the rescue again!

The Bug Guy said...

As of 6:30 EDT today, PPMB was still off line. Site5 was contacted.

The Bug Guy said...

Informed by Site5 Service that the maintenance is still ongoing as of 9:15 EDT.

The Bug Guy said...

Site5 is still working on the issue as of 1:00 PM EDT.

WildBlogintheWest said...

Site5 is apparently running a file system check. Maybe their maintenance uncovered something bad in the server. It sucks, but better they fix it than a major crash occur, causing files to be destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Why... WHY didn't I make KEVIN a punk just to use that pic?!

- Charles RB