Friday, October 14, 2011

Double Oh Seven And Two Triple Zero!

Happy birthday to Roger Moore, who was born on this day in 1927. Moore is best known as one of the actors who played James Bond in the film series, but the name itself may also be familiar to many in Daria fandom. (Coughs nonchalantly.)

Another fun tidbit for today: this, according to my stats, is the 2,000th post on this blog. Woo hoo! To celebrate, let's have another fanfic update:

  • All Washed Up (Iron Chef: Today's challenge ingredient is...), by RX-87 (COMPLETE!): "'Jane, meet Lovecraft,' she said, nonchalantly, then turned to address the thing behind the glass, 'Lovecraft, this is Jane.' she turned back to me, 'Lovecraft's a Mimic Octopus. They change color and contort their bodies into various shapes to fool potential predators or prey. They're pretty unique in the animal kingdom. Lots of animals mimic others, but they're the only ones that can disguise themselves as more than one kind. Neat, huh?'"

  • The Author as a Lesbian, Season 2, by DeacBlue (parts 9 and 10): "Daria and Jane looked at each other, then Daria went into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. Quickly walking away from the stage before the next number started, she dialed her mom's cell number. 'Mom? Yes, it's me. Listen, you need to come down to the Zon, right now. Why?' Daria shook her head, then noticed the band about to play their next song. 'Because Trent's band is playing...this!' And with that, she held her hand up and pointed her phone in the direction of the stage." (Part 10)

  • The Boys And The Girls Are Doing It (Iron Chef: Daria's First Time), by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): "Okay, then, girl - let's see just how much of this you can really handle. The muscles on the left side of Daria's face twitched; sounds Jane had never heard before somehow seeped out of her best friend as her head began to jerk wildly, her hair snapping back and forth."

  • Daria is Raven's Apprentice, by project pegasus: "Raven: Good. Now, I’ll divide the rest of us into groups of two. Each group will fan out through the maze, hopefully driving Beast Boy to the exit. With any luck, we’ll all converge together near the exit and overpower Beast Boy together. But if he attacks before then, use your wrist communicators and send out an SOS. The rest of us will come to your aid. Staci: But what if we can’t find each other through the maze? Raven: I know that each of you can handle yourselves. Otherwise I wouldn’t send you out there. Biden and Robin will comprise one group. Starfire will be with me, and Daria and Staci ... (looks over to see Daria pickpocket Staci). On second thought, Daria, you’re with me. Starfire will accompany Staci. Let’s move out."

  • The Inevitable Places You Must Go (Iron Chef: Quantum Daria), by OverlordMikey (part 1): "She sat up, this was probably one of her teenaged versions as she was in her old room. She stood up and felt odd; her body was heavier. Let me guess, I’m fat? She looked into the mirror; at first she saw herself as she was, but then a new image took hold and she was shocked at what she saw. I’m a man..."

  • In My World, by 45Ranger (parts 1 and 2): "Daria heard the scream and immediately identified it as Quinn. She shoved all her books in her locker and slammed it shut, fear gripping her heart. From the volume, Daria knew her sister was in serious trouble and she started running." (Part 2)

  • Is It Ours Yet?, by RX-87 (part 7): "'Well,' Kokopelli attempted to explain, 'You see, the thing of it is...' 'Hey, shut it,' Dung Beetle admonished the thin man, 'If you spill the beans now, who knows what the kids'll do?' 'Perhaps...' Kokopelli said, unconcerned, 'At any rate, the fact of the matter is that this machine's unbridled destructive power is rather difficult to control and minimizing collateral damage to somebody else's world is of little concern to me. My priority is defeating that thing.'"

  • Leapsters (Iron Chef: Quantum Daria), by InvisibleDan (part 1): "'You know, Darius, we haven't known each other a long time but I feel a connection to you. It's strange, it's like I've known you a long time.' 'That's nice. Shouldn't we go back to these notes.' Daria was starting to feel uncomfortable. AlterJane was sitting very close, and she noticed that her new friend smelled really good. Not just in a nice way, but differently. It was causing a reaction inside her that she was unsure of. 'We can look at those later. Can I ask you to do something?' 'What?' 'Take your glasses off. Just for a second. I want to see your eyes, how they really are.' 'Um...'"

  • Legends of the Metal: The Drowning Doom Triumphant!, by Ixmythot (part 1): "The Killmasters, Quinn, Stacy, Sandi, and Tiffany nodded in agreement. 'She's right, you know? This has trap written all over it.' Tom sighed, looking over the collected group. 'I know it does, but we have to see this though! Just because the road is a little bumpy doesn't mean we can stop now. We're almost there, we can stop Daria, I just know it!'"

  • LLH Mini - Timely Circumstances, by RLobinske (part 3): "When Daria returned, she said, 'I'm going to block certain things out of my mind and not think of them. Ever. Now, what are we going to do?' The Doctor said, 'Figure out why you have this link with River Song.' 'Sure, no problem,' Daria said. 'Do you have any idea of where to start?' 'As a matter of fact, yes I do.'"

  • Miles to Go Before I Sleep, by Chris Tucker (part 1): "Movement near the gate caught her eye. The binoculars were to her eyes in a second. Yes. It was him. No doubt in her mind. The tinted window on the passenger side of the car silently slid down. She raised the pistol as she turned towards the opened window. The thumb safety clicked into the FIRE position. She breathed normally and sighted down the length of the pistol. She breathed in and out, in and..."

  • Octopus (Iron Chef: Today's challenge ingredient is...), by respite (COMPLETE!): "'Poor Columbia. Is the war propaganda poster business so dried up that's she's reduced to hentai to earn a buck?' Jane nearly dropped her glue gun as she jumped three inches off of her chair. 'Jesus, Morgendorffer. Warn a girl if you’re going to sneak up on her like that. And don’t you have to get packed? I thought the Bs were on the road this weekend.'"

  • So Totally Not Cthulhu, by Lord Yellowtail (COMPLETE!): "Reality was long periods of training and twisting the circumstances to your best advantage, then a flashbulb’s worth of motion as you rushed to lay your opponents out before they spilt your intestines onto the floor and bashed your skull to paste. Assuming they didn’t like to play with their food before they ate it. By chance or serendipity, most of the JSA were women, so it was something they had to take into account. Question couldn’t kill them, so she couldn’t match their speed, ferocity, and brutal efficiency. She had to surpass it."

  • Unnamed story (IC : Legion of Lawndale Super Villains), by NightGoblyn (COMPLETE!): "Trent reached out and took his sister’s hand. 'You’re always my little sister, Janey. I picked you to be my sister, and that makes you special.' Jane stared down at Trent's hand for a moment, as a smile slowly spread across her face. 'I am, aren't I?' 'What?' 'Special.' Jane stood, pulling away from Trent. She lashed out with one fist, and the kitchen table exploded into shrapnel. Trent cried out in pain as the jagged wooded spikes buried themselves in his body. 'I'm finally the special one. The one with power. And now everyone is going to pay.'"

  • Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Occupy Lawndale), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'How long are you intending to stay camped out here?' asked Angier Sloane. 'Because we kinda need the garden for a dinner party.'"

  • Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Occupy Lawndale), by respite (COMPLETE!): "Daria and Jane sat in their usual booth at the Pizza King, Daria's face buried in the paper, Jane's in a slice of Sausage-o-rama. 'Jane, here's the answer, right here. I knew the Lawndale Sun Op-Eds were good for something.'"

  • Unnamed story (Iron Chef: Occupy Lawndale), by Staren (COMPLETE!): "Daria and Jane stood transfixed at the strange sight. Jodie was across the hall, her back to them. What made the sight strange though, was her head half buried in the dent she had put into the door of her locker using her face."

  • Un-sureness, by roguebert (part 2): "Taking stock, 'Get a grip, Lane. You can either...' When that line of thought stopped abruptly, she made another attempt, 'If you try to get up, you’re just going to wake her up and then what? She gets embarrassed and goes home in the rain? No, you’re not doing that. You’re going to lay here and go back to sleep and tomorrow will be tomorrow.' Making up her mind, she thought, 'Right. Sleep.'"

  • Unnamed story (Iron Chef: A Roll of the Die), by Roentgen (parts 1 and 2): "'Wait!' Stacy cried, the lone voice of rationality. 'I - I have a fair way to solve this.' There was silence. Stacy wasn't one to speak out. 'Go on,' Daria said. 'Uh...let's use of one these dice thingies. Daria will be #1.' '- a-HEM!' 'Sorry! Sandi will be #1,' Stacy said. 'Quinn #2, Tiffany #3, and me #4. Then Daria will be #5 and Jane will be #6. I'll just roll the dice, and whatever number it lands on has to get the pizza.'" (Part 2)

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