Saturday, August 4, 2012

Atomic Communists from Mars!

Happy anniversary to the episode "The Lawndale File," which first aired on this day in 1999. In addition to the classic alien love goddesses image over there, this episode gave us Trent's hell music as well as the return of Artie, which no one demanded but we got it all the same.

Fanfic Update!
  • Adventures of Tommy Sherman I (Scenes no Daria fanfic should ever have: Trip Cyclone), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'The Reichstag fire is exactly what we have been waiting for,' said Hitler. 'With this as a pretext we can wait who the hell is that?'"

  • At the Crossroads...(Chapter 13), by oni (part 2): "'So what are Tweedledee and Tweedledom doing for the holidays,' asked Daria hours later in a booth at the Pizza King. Daria and Jane were seated on one side of the booth while the girlfriends were seated on the other side; Quinn was in a chair at the end that she grabbed from an empty table."

  • Baby Bumps (Scenes no Daria fanfic should ever have: Trip Cyclone), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "Everywhere in Lawndale High the latest trend was making waves, and that trend just happened to be... Baby Bumps!"

  • The Creepyling Chronicles, by Charles RB (part 2): "Daria had insisted - when wearing a paboose to carry Mafalda at the shops, he should have the infant facing him."

  • The Eleventh Hour (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have: Embrace the Madness), by thatLONERchick (COMPLETE!): "Two bodies writhed and twisted on the narrow dorm bed, their breathing fast and uneven as they raced toward climax."

  • The Hearts Within, by neonhomer (part 9): "'So, when did you want to get together?' 'We can do something this weekend.' I said. 'Sounds like a plan.' He said. 'Just one thing.' 'Let me guess, no Jane.' I said. Tom hesitated. 'Yeah.'"

  • Into the Black, Into the Blue (Chapter 2), by Lord Yellowtail (part 5): "Even in the dim light cast by the intersection’s one working streetlamp, the man’s features were unmistakable. Tall, thin, solid black punk-inspired ensemble and matching duster. Years of experience and training make sure Billy doesn’t miss the thickly muscled, deadly body underneath. Black-painted fingernails, ghost-white hair combed straight back, and a self-satisfied smirk under glittering eyes."

  • Lawndale and Sandi Griffin’s Genie (Chapter 8), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "Daria, Stacy and Trent arrived back at the Lane’s house. 'We need to hurry our search,' Daria said. 'The black and white isn’t that bad,' Trent said. 'It is bad!' Stacy said as she opened the front door. 'You’re talking about this black and white?' Jane asked from the living room. 'Yes.' 'Then we do need to find the emerald as quickly as possible. An artist needs color!'"

  • The Next Gen of Sloanes (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have: Embrace the Madness), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "'Gotta let my big green eyes shine,' Tommy had thought to himself that morning, willing to endure itchy eyes to avoid wearing his glasses, he hated those things! They made him look like such a nerd!"

  • Of Another Man's Guitar, by peapotmaster (part 3): "BRIAN: What kind of sick minds would watch this garbage? STEWIE: I love the part where they maimed Scrappy Doo. BRIAN: I stand corrected."

  • Out of the Frying Pan (Pictures), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "As a cruel reward for her intelligence, Daria was promoted to assistant manager after just four months. The new job meant marginally more pay but much more responsibility. It meant dealing with stupid customers, and angry customers - who were usually one and the same."

  • A Resentful Cynic Ch.4 : Revenge of the Malled, by ST91 (part 7): "A smile appeared on Andrea's face as she walked toward her friend’s house; no one had noticed the exchange of bags and this would give her an excuse to talk with Jane without Daria suspecting something."

  • Runaway Daria: Fallout Lawndale Edition, by Vukodlak (part 8): "One guy caught her eye, he obviously bathed regularly easily every week or more, that plus his clean-cut hair, military grade body armor and shiny clean submachine gun told her he came from money."

  • Sexy Daria: Lab Lockdown Sex, by Shiva (part 1): "'Skylar sweetie,' Daria said through clenched teeth and a painted smile, 'Your parents are nice and all but how do you put up with these parties?' 'I grit my teeth and bare it.' Skylar replied through his own gritted teeth."

  • Sorry, Marvel (Scenes no Daria Fanfic should ever have: Embrace the Madness), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'FOR FREEDOM!'"

  • Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should ever have: Trip Cyclone), by Aloysius (COMPLETE!): "'I did it. I kissed your girlfriend.'" (Continued by breitasparrow)

  • Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should ever have: Trip Cyclone), by BrownEyedBagel (COMPLETE!): "GothicRainbow: Hey, been away for awhile. Just curious to see how the fandom has changed since I was gone."

  • Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should ever have: Trip Cyclone), by peetz5050 (COMPLETE!): "'Why did we have to come HERE though? I thought you swore never to set foot in this town again.' The pre-teen girl on the other side of the child seat spoke up then. 'Yeah Mom, I heard you describe Lawndale as the absolute arsehole of nowhereville and you wouldn't be caught dead in it!'"

  • Unnamed story (Scenes That Should Be: Breakfast of Zombie Champions), by Ranger Thorne (incomplete plot bunny): "As Jane approached the school, the usual mental cursing was cut short as she noticed the long black car pull into the curved drive at the front of Lawndale High. The driver was exposed to the weather, while the passengers were covered by a cloth top, which was also black. Is that a Packard? she asked herself. As she approached, however, all thought about the car faded."

  • The Waif and the Pedo'Neill (IC: Sleeping With Strangers (But Not Like That!)), by Aloysius (COMPLETE!): "He looked down at his naked body and raised his eyebrows. 'Oh, my!' he whispered, and blinked as he struggled to remember if he might have actually gone out, and found a one-night stand."

  • You Know My Name (Scenes no Daria fanfic should ever have: Trip Cyclone), by Charles RB (COMPLETE!): "'I thought we could later discuss my plans for the evening,' he said in a faux-husky voice. 'So not my plans.' He smiled. It didn't look right. 'Let's not play games here.'"

  • ZOMG and the Gupty's (Scenes no Daria fanfic should ever have: Trip Cyclone), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "'Hey sis, do you know what ZOMG means?' 'ZOMG?' Tricia repeated in confusion... 'No I have no idea what that means, did you try the dictionary?'"

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