Also, happy birthday to the late film producer David O. Selznick, born on this day in 1902. Selznick produced, among other things, Gone with the Wind, which was referenced in various Daria episodes and multiple alter egos. Someone on staff must have been a big fan.
Fandom News!
- Is Quinn worse off than Daria? Share your views in a new Deep Thoughts thread.
- What misperceptions have you had about Daria in the past?
- SacredDust invites you to change the name of Mystik Spiral.
- How would you write Tom? JoeMerl wants to hear your ideas.
- Talk about the upcoming movie adaptation of Ender's Game.
- Two new Iron Chefs have been posted in Creative Writing: SacredDust's Random Love Triangle Challenge! and PrecambrianStudios's Daria the Time Lord.
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