Monday, May 21, 2018

"Ever thought of becoming a waitress?"

Andrea promises she definitely, absolutely, cross-her-heart-and-hope-to-die did not spit in your food on this National Waiters and Waitresses Day. Just to be safe, though, I'd promise to leave her a big tip after she brings you your five boxes of Frosted Flakes.

Today is also the anniversary of the episode "One J at a Time," which aired on this day in 2001. Quinn dabbled in monogamy, which somehow turned into a squirrel hunt and ended with go-kart racing. Is it an example of how creative and eclectic the show could be or just a cheap gag to end the episode? Oh, look. Rolls.

Fanfic Update!
  • Coffee, by Zetor (part 2d): "Daria chuckled and sat down on her couch, sinking in comfortably. Leaning forward, she grabbed the remote off the coffee table and brought the TV to life."

  • Cuckoos On Infinite Earths, by Smijey (part 15): "Janice Walker took a moment to massage her aching autograph hand and shift around the uncomfortable gold chains she wore around her neck. These con gigs were just the worst."

  • Death Of A Dream (Quinn, Season 4), by WildDogJJ (COMPLETE!): "Quinn and Stacy are sitting in a booth having lunch and catching up. By now Stacy is visibly pregnant. Stacy: Thanks for having lunch with me, Quinn. Quinn: No problem, Stacy. How are things?" (Part 3)

  • Fear and Trembling, by Two-Eyed Charlie (part 1): "Timothy O'Neill had once told Daria Morgendorffer that she was, in essence, a gender-swapped version of him from back when he was in his late teens."

  • How cliche could you get?, by starwater09 (part 11): "It had been two weeks since Jodie's party and Daria still refused to speak with Kevin. Every time he tried to call her it would go to voice mail. Every time he came to her or Jane's house she was never there."

  • Unnamed story (Ill-Conceived Crossovers), by atimnie (COMPLETE!): "Jane ran quickly down the street, occasionally glancing at the sky, and at an odd alien-looking ring on her right hand. When she saw Daria, she grabbed her by the hand, still running, dragging Daria with her."

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