Thursday, February 21, 2019

Cards and Cars

Tiffany's ready to tell your future for Card Reading Day, but I don't think any of us would live long enough to get through an entire tarot reading at her pace. Still, she'd make a fortune if the phone hotline charges by the minute.

Stacy's Is It College Yet? alter ego will also enjoy today, because it's also the anniversary of NASCAR! I have no idea how Future Stacy might end up a racecar driver, but I suppose anything that pisses off Sandi would be fine by her.

Fanfic Update!
  • Changing Lanes, by midnightabyss86 (part 20): "'So how's the writing coming along?' Jane asked Daria, who was visiting and typing away on Jane's used electric typewriter."

  • The Crooked Smile, by YouthofOz (parts 1 - 3): "(Lawndale High hallway. Students are leaving their classes at the end of the day.) JANE: You know, they say when you're born, you only have a finite amount of heartbeats left." (Part 2) (Part 3)

  • Daria The Temptress, by WildDogJJ (part 3 and 4): "Around noon Jane woke up with a headache and a mild case of nausea. Damn hangover!" (Part 4)

  • Freefall, by atiyatortilla (part 5): "Jamie sat in the car for fifteen minutes before he finally cut the engine."

  • The Janes Must Be Crazy!, by TheBrodsterBoy (COMPLETE!): "It was a dark night. Jane paced around, carefully thinking to herself."

  • Life That Dare Not Speak Its Name, by YouthofOz (COMPLETE!): "It was odd having Daria and Jane following them around, filming them. Sandi felt like she was on the defensive, justifying their empty actions and hollow routines - okay, the Fashion Club wasn't curing diseases and stopping wars but they were having fun." (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 19) (Part 20) (Part 21) (Part 22)

  • No Rain, by Lady Evil (part 35): "'Those are some nice flowers.' said Dr. Becky. 'Thanks.' said Daria. 'Trent gave them to me.' 'That friend of yours?' 'We're not friends.'"

  • The Other Foot, by YouthofOz (COMPLETE!): "'There you go, Miss Morgendorffer,' said the teacher as he handed over the form. 'It'll only take a minute.'" (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)

  • Rude Awakening: The Cynical Ones Could See That Coming!, by DIsaac (part 1): "There are things in life that are so obvious. To the point that if anyone pays attention to what is happening that would get it with immediate effect!"

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