Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Quinn Would Rather Occupy Fifth Avenue

Corporate Quinn thinks she's having a bad day now, but just wait until she finds out that Occupy Wall Street has returned to celebrate its eighth anniversary with a massive demonstration right outside her office. Not that she has a problem with protests, but all that talk about 1% and 99%? Ewwww. Way too much math.

Fanfic Update!
  • Changing Lanes, by midnightabyss86 (part 21): "Jane hummed absentmindedly, as she worked on her latest art project. Classes would start back up in a few days, and Jane hoped to have her sculpture completed before leaving."

  • Danny Morgendorffer, by ST91 (part 15): "Finally home. Daniel thought as he put the keys in the lock. The informal chat promised by Jodie had quickly turned in two one-hour meetings with both groups."

  • Happy Adversity, by Lady Evil (part 11): "Helen ordered the pizza on the ride home and it was waiting for them when they got home. Jake opened the pizza boxes and started putting slices on plates."

  • What You Deserve, by atiyatortilla (part 2): "'This was a bad idea', Daria told herself. A chill ran through her as she fidgeted with the sleeves of her cardigan - partially due to fear, partially due to the weather. South Jersey was having a particularly bitter winter and the whole house felt like an icebox."

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