Sunday, November 24, 2019

"Darwin's the monkey guy, right? I like monkeys!"

The Three Js have gotten a little too excited about All Our Uncles are Monkeys Day, which honors the anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species on this day in 1859. I don't know if those boys have any nieces or nephews, but anyone who has seen them fighting over Quinn would say the monkey comparison is accurate.

Fanfic Update!
  • Cancerous Like Me, by Lady Evil (COMPLETE!): "'What am I being arrested for?' asked Amy as a stocky black woman in a bailiff uniform led her into the holding cell. 'Ain't it obvious, honey?' The stocky black woman gestured at Amy slink black sequined dress."

  • Cold Heart Attack (Life After Thirty), by WildDogJJ (part 2): "Jim and Elsie were in the waiting area. As they waited for word on Vito's condition Elsie paced nervously while Jim had his eyes glued to the TV set."

  • Counting the Days (Daria and the Gang), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "' order to maximize your mental power, you must start from the great buildings are built brick by brick, beam by beam, board by board, girder by girder and ingot by ingot, in order to tap the full powers of the human mind, you must build a foundation. The first part of this foundation involves the division of time and the working units of time. The methods I will teach you are simply the conclusion of the physical training which you have completed if you are listening to this tape - '"

  • Daria Ravenclaw: The Year of the Owl, by Meester_Lee (part 16): "'I say, Daria, what are you doing here?' he said. Daria was almost equally surprised. 'Cuthbert?' she said. 'Is that you?'"

  • Edicius, by elainefr (part 18): "'Just a minute,' Jane opened the Lane door to see a disgruntled Tom on the other side. 'Tom, hi.' 'I didn't have anywhere else to go.' He spoke in stilted tones. Jane groaned on the inside."

  • Something that Mr. O'Neill Doesn't Like (Scenes No Daria fanfic should have: The Saga Goes On), by Shiva (COMPLETE!): "'Damn spiders!' Timothy O'Neill snapped as he smashed another one with a rolled up newspaper. 'It's the second one of the day.'"

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