Sunday, May 21, 2023

Think Healthy, Eat Healthy, and Chase Rats With Fluffy Tails!

Looks like the Fashion Club is going to give World Meditation Day a try, but I'm not sure there would be much point. I mean, their minds have already been cleared of all thoughts, so why bother?

You could also try for a healthier lifestyle by celebrating Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day...or just take them to the Food in Film Festival and throw them at the screen.

When Quinn has finished meditating and eating carrot sticks, I hope she finally chooses between her three admirers because it's the twenty-second anniversary of "One J at a Time" and those boys have got to be tired of waiting for her to make up her mind. Unless they've gone off on another squirrel-related adventure and forgotten all about her.

Fandom News!

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