Thursday, July 20, 2023

On the Good Ship....

Jane looks just precious for National Lollipop Day, but her expression says she'd rather find the person who dressed her like that and put the lollipop someplace unpleasant. Have a sweet treat today if you want one, but I'll stick with chocolate myself.

If Quinn ever decided to join the Chess Club (as Daria predicted in "Quinn the Brain") then I hope she and her friends have a great World Chess Day. If she didn't, then there's always Kevin "King me!" Thompson!

Also on the subject of school extracurriculars, I hope Jane changes into her running clothes in honor of the anniversary of "See Jane Run," which aired on this day in 1998. If Jane still has that lollipop handy, I think either Evan or Ms. Morris would qualify as candidates for its final resting place.

Fandom News!

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