Friday, July 14, 2023

Born to be Mild

Mack's looking quite bad-ass for National Motorcycle Day, and I hope he learns from Kevin and doesn't try to pop a wheelie. I don't care what that Paunch guy did on CHiPs.

I am, however, happy to see that he's (mostly) clothed, because it's National Nude Day and I really don't think anyone should ride a motorcycle naked. At the very least you want a helmet!

Finally, today we celebrate the anniversaries of both "The Teachings of Don Jake" and "Lane Miserables," which aired on this day in 1997 and 1999. Both involved Lane family reunions that went south quickly, but only one of them provided us with Trent's sage insights into Huckleberry Hound.

Fanfic Update!
  • Alone, by Doggodoaattack (part 12): "They didn’t talk much on the way to Jane’s house. Daria was still shaken by her recent panic attack and the sudden reintroduction of her only friend in the world back into her life. Jane was still angry and worried about her friend."

  • Daria Ravenclaw: The Legend of Sporting Joe, by Meester_Lee (part 19): "On Wednesday evening Julia came from day camp, showered, and changed into something dressier than she’d been wearing since she arrived in Highland."

  • "Expectavi"—Daria: Agent of Cobra, by Ranchoth (part 5): "In a second, she was there again. Another classroom. Another damned uncomfortable chair. Babel in front of her, soaking in bedlam. There was a voice, coming from behind."

  • Friend of a Friend, by Doggodoaattack (parts 2 and 3): "They made their way to the venue, where the band was already playing, some punk rock group that Toms sister was obsessed with." (Part 3)

  • Grant Writer's Block, by welltemperedclavier (parts 3 and 4): "Daria didn’t exactly hustle in her search for a volunteer position." (Part 4)

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