Wednesday, July 12, 2023

It's So...Jiggly!

Brittany could not be happier that today is National Eat Your Jello Day, but Daria and Jane seem distinctly unimpressed. It can't be that they're food snobs, given the greasy pizza and cheese fries they regularly consume, so I'm going to assume they're disgusted by the sight of primary colors during daylight hours. Not. Done.

On the subject of color, you could celebrate Different Colored Eyes Day even if your eyes are the same color. Just follow Quinn's advice and look into colored contact lenses! She recommends green for that touch of exotica that many young women crave.

"Legends of the Mall" aired on this day in 2000, which means the episode is old enough to qualify for its own past-era urban legend story! What kind of story would you set in the early 2000s? Probably something about a creepy Tamagotchi wearing Heelys and getting "crunk."

Fandom News!

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