Friday, August 11, 2023

Four Score and Seven Punchlines Ago....

President's Day is (are? I don't know how the pronouns work for two people who make up a single holiday) celebrating a successful gag on Presidential Joke Day, but I think the rest of the holidays would rather successfully gag them. Even if half of them can really wail on the harpsichord.

If you want to tell them to jump in a lake, then I have good news for you! The episode "Just Add Water" aired on this day in 1999, and there were plenty of people jumping or being pushed into the lake or whatever body of water the Princess Fairy was sailing on. Whatever it was, it was surprisingly shallow...just like the Fashion Club.

Fanfic Update!
  • Quinn in Yellow, by welltemperedclavier (part 1): "It was near the end of her senior year and Sandi Griffin regretted every moment of high school."

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