Tuesday, August 1, 2023

When Fans Say They Think Tiffany Is High, This Isn't What They Mean!

We always knew Tiffany's feet weren't firmly planted, but now on National Mountain Climbing Day we have the final proof. Has anyone explained to her, though, that only air gets thinner at high altitudes, not people? Oh, well. At least she can enjoy the view.

I'm sure Daria and Quinn will be celebrating Respect For Parents Day, what with their immense admiration for Jake and Helen--never mind; I can't even type that with a straight face!

Speaking of respect (or lack of) for parents, today is National Andrew Day, and I hope Andrew Landon gets all the respect he deserves...which is very little. Jodie, tell him where he can shove his opinions and demands, okay?

Fandom News!

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