Saturday, May 11, 2024

Don Quixote or Don QB?

Happy National Windmill Day to all, but especially Brittany who decided to take the concept and just run with it. Or rather, she would run if she hadn't somehow transformed herself into an immobile structure. Spin on, Brittany!

Speaking of people who love windmills, I wonder if the Gupty kids need looking after for National Babysitters Day, but if so then I'm pretty sure Daria will pass on the opportunity. She might want to apologize to her own past babysitters now that she's been on the other side, though.

Finally, it's Eat What You Want Day, not that Daria and Jane ever did anything else. With greasy pizza, raw cookie dough, and cheese fries, by adulthood they must have been a cardiologist's worst nightmare.

Fandom News!

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