Thursday, May 23, 2024

I Especially Like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Variety!

Ms. Barch seems to have expanded her hatred of males beyond human limits for World Turtle Day, so everybody needs to take shelter inside their shells as soon as possible. The good news is that Upchuck, Mack, and any other usual targets of her rage will have an easy time outrunning her now. The bad news is that Ms. Barch is going to live a lot longer.

In particular, I hope Ethan Yaeger will stay out of her way because it's National Ethan Day and he shouldn't have to deal with that kind of drama on his day. Quinn might consider taking him out for another slush cup, but she'll most likely have to pay again. It should be a good opportunity to dig up some more dirt on her parents, though!

Fandom News!

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