Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Do You Suppose Daria Ever Tried Waitressing?

Andrea's trying a new career choice for National Waiters and Waitresses Day, and I suppose it can't be much worse than working at PayDay. In fact, this could give her the opportunity to hone her snark and get paid for it!

She could pick up some pointers from the waitress at Mom's Diner on carsickness remedies for National Stop Nausea Day, too. Daria's best option was dry toast and tea, but I'm sure there are other possibilities out there.

Finally, it was on this day in 2001 that the episode "One J at a Time" first aired, and Quinn gave monogamy a spin. When that failed, Jake and the three Js gave go-karting a spin, which was much more fun for all involved.

Fanfic Update!
  • Sweet and Sour Night, by RadioFox (COMPLETE!): "'Okay sweetheart, it's time to get ready for bed,' Helen walked up to Jane. 'Awww, it was just getting good,' Jane pouted and crossed her arms."

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