Friday, October 18, 2024

Time to Get Out the Razor!

Jake picked the wrong day to quit shaving, not only because it's No Beard Day but also because I don't think a beard would really suit him anyway. I suppose Trent could consider shaving off his goatee but I'd hate to wake him up for something as trivial as grooming.

Since I've never had a beard, I am much more interested in celebrating National Chocolate Cupcake Day, especially if any of my readers are willing to contribute cupcakes! Brittany and Kevin can celebrate, as well, because Kevin probably still considers Brittany to be a great hostess...cupcake. Except that Brittany has previously stated a preference for Ho-Hos.

I offer absolutely no sweet treats to Ken Edwards, even if today is National Ken Day. Partly this is because I don't want to reward creepy dudes but also I just don't like to share my chocolate.

Fandom News!

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