Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Where's a Red Pen When You Need It?

I hope Jodie takes some time off from her stressful day to appreciate the irony of a misspelled poster about dyslexia, especially because it's World Dyslexia Awareness Day. There has been some fandom speculation about whether or not Kevin is dyslexic, although I suspect his intellectual problems run much deeper than any learning disability.

I don't think it would be wise for Jake to recreate the Great Chicago Fire, which began on this day in 1871, in the Morgendorffer kitchen. I don't care if Helen hid the mop again; the milk will taste just as good cold. If he really must warm it up, I might recommend the microwave.

Although there were no explicitly stated lesbians in Daria (Alison, being bisexual, doesn't count), I think we can celebrate International Lesbian Day all the same because fanfiction more than made up the difference. I can't say I'm surprised about it--with the shortage of decent guys in the show, shippers have to do what they can!

Fanfic Update!
  • Crystal Claw, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (parts 44 and 45): "Camp Grizzly was quite probably the most famous Summer camp in all of Pennsylvania." (Part 45)

  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 32): "'Who was that on phone, Dear?' Mrs. Ruttheimer asked as she came out of the kitchen. 'That was Brittany, Mom.' Charles answered, 'She’s coming by in an hour to pick me up to catch a movie and then listen to some music. Jenn and her group are playing tonight.'"

  • Parting Gift, by remi (part 10): "'Very well, Quinn. I am surprised that you would want to defend Daria after what she did, but we are listening. What do you have to say in her defense?'"

  • Sixteenth Doctor Adventures (Chapter 1), by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "After the TARDIS had landed, Xander got off the floor. ‘He’s taking this rather well. Much like others I have travelled with, in my previous incarnations,’ the Doctor thought."

  • Spider Quinn 12 Rise of the Green Goblin, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 4): "In the bathroom, Daria looked in the mirror. She saw herself and Quinn, two sisters who were more alike than she would have expected before her father passed."

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