Friday, October 4, 2024

Please, Go Back to Scowling!

Daria really needs to stop celebrating World Smile Day because she's starting to freak me out. Supposedly she doesn't like to smile unless she has a reason, but apparently being super creepy to all observers is reason enough.

It should put a smile on Jake's face to learn that today is National Golf Lovers Day, so I hope he gets the chance to break out his clubs and play his favorite game. I think one of my favorite Jake moments is at the end of "I Don't," when it turns out that he left all of the chaos behind to play golf at the country club. Good for him!

I don't think anyone will be smiling for Kids Music Day, at least not if we have to listen to Tad and Tricia Gupty's awful records. Jane will most likely refuse to sing that song about John Jacob Jingleheimer somebody but would be happy to perform "Old McDonald" for us. Don't even ask Daria about "Pop Goes the Weasel," though.

Fanfic Update!
  • Crystal Claw, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 43): "What Quinn Morgendorffer discovered that day had been so shocking, so terrible and painful that she had cried and howled all over the house, just trying to be noticed by her parents and yet remaining all ethereal and invisible as the ghost that she had become."

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