Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Ready for Takeoff!

Quinn is suited up and ready to take flight on Pan American Aviation Day, and she'd better hurry up before the Fashion Club sees what she's wearing. Stacy would be horrified that those pants make her look like she has saddlebags. Or is it carpetbags?

For those who'd rather keep their feet on the ground, there's also the Festival of Winter Walks. Daria and Jane will pass on this one, because while their last trek through the snow unearthed some real insights into each other's souls like their M&M color preferences, it really isn't an experience they'd care to repeat.

I imagine it goes without saying that Helen will be celebrating National Device Appreciation Day, mostly by spending the entire day on her cell phone. I can't imagine what her life would be like without devices, and I imagine the advent of smartphones has only made her work life even more intense.

Fandom News!

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