Friday, March 7, 2025

Turning Over a New Leaf

I don't think that the Morgendorffer houseplant is really enjoying Plant Power Day, partly because it just lost one of its leaves and partly because I can't imagine that any living plants last very long in a family as neglectful as this one. Perhaps the Tommy Sherman Memorial Crutch will have better luck.

I hope that Marianne is faring better, because it's Employee Appreciation Day and Helen's assistant doesn't get nearly enough appreciation. I suspect that, if she were to quit, Helen would be completely lost and unable to replace her.

Maybe she could meet up with Cashman's worker Theresa to share horror stories for National Salesperson Day. I think Theresa would win, though, because Marianne only has one overly demanding person to please while Theresa has to deal with the entire Fashion Club.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Shouldn't Have Had So Much Space Cola!

I see that even aliens are celebrating National Potty Dance Day, and with that many legs I'm sure it will be a very interesting performance. If you are struggling to find a bathroom in time, just remember that you can always pee behind those trees. Take care to watch out for pervert squirrels, though.

Daria should take the opportunity on Multiple Personality Day to check in with Eunice and see how things are going. She might still be sad, or she's just wondering what happened to Daria's contact lenses.

Finally, it was on this day in 2001 that the episode "Fat Like Me" first aired. Never mind the somewhat unrealistic "thinly challenged" main plot; I would love to see more of Stacy imitating Tiffany and completely losing her temper. Solid gold comedy right there.

Fanfic Update!
  • But You Always Knew the Truth, by riotsquirrrl (part 3): "Daria Morgendorffer was daydreaming. She was looking out the window across the quad, vaguely aware of her classmates crossing the grassy expanse to the dining hall."

  • Convergence on Lawndale, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 12): "'Stacy?' the Doctor asked. 'Yes,' Quinn answered. 'She reacted to the flicker in an unusual way.'"

  • I (Don't) Want to Be a Part of It, by ladyevil (part 3): "'Now, Daria,' Jake said as Daria packed a duffle bag. 'You know New York isn’t like Lawndale, right?'"

  • It's the Spirit that Kills You, by SharksAndRec (part 2): "To say Daria had a favorite class would mean some degree of caring about school at all, something the teen just didn't have the energy for...but if she had to pick the one she tolerated the most, it would have to be DiMartino's English class."

  • The Kiss That Entirely Shattered Daria Morgendorffer's Worldview, by janendaria4life (part 2): "Daria's eyes shot open after her alarm rang noisily, leading to her smacking the clock."

  • Like a Chicken Running Around With It's Head Cut Off, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "It was just like any other day for Tom Sloane, giving his girlfriend Daria a visit, thinking he could and should invite himself in for a evening of 'Sick, Sad World,' assuming she would be comfortable with it. He knocked on the door and waited."

  • Unnamed story (Scenes no Daria fanfic should have), by ladyevil (COMPLETE!): "Daria woke up feeling utterly dejected. With a groan, she put on her robe, went to her boudoir, and got a bottle of pills."

  • Who Needs a Boyfriend When You Got Her?, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "Tom thought he understood Jane Lane."

  • Writing Lines (Daria Ravenclaw: Loose Snippets), by Meester_Lee (COMPLETE!): "'And that is all for today,' said Professor Flitwick said as the half-hour rolled around. 'Please make sure that you have read through chapter 16 of your textbooks and don’t forget to practice what we’ve learned today!'"

Monday, March 3, 2025

This Image Makes My Ears Hurt

Grandma Lane is making absolutely sure that Jane can't avoid celebrating World Hearing Day, although if she keeps yelling Jane's ability to hear will be in serious danger. This might be a good day for Daria to visit Mrs. Blaine, because not being able to hear doesn't mean you don't enjoy visitors.

In fact, I think anyone who works or volunteers at the Better Days Retirement Home should get some thanks because it's Caregiver Appreciation Day! People willing to help others deserve every bit of gratitude, and they don't get enough as far as I'm concerned.

Last but not least, today we celebrate the anniversaries of the episodes "Esteemsters" in 1997, "The Old and the Beautiful" in 1999, and "Antisocial Climbers" in 2000. The first introduced the entire series, the second introduced us to Mrs. Blaine, and the third, well...introduced us to Mr. O'Neill's undergarments.

Fandom News!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Please, PLEASE Go Back to Frowning!

Daria is serving up both cookies and terror on Share a Smile Day, and I think we're all relieved to know that she only smiles if she has a reason. Even if that reason is to scare any onlookers half to death.

I'll bet Amy is smiling, especially if she's making Helen insanely jealous with postcards on Plan a Solo Vacation Day. Of course, I'm sure Amy would be perfectly fine dropping the "solo" part if Ralph Fiennes offers to join her.

If a vacation is out of the question for you, then you could just take a short and sweet break for Peanut Butter Lovers' Day! Trent might let peanut brittle hijack his brain, or Daria might sit on another ancient sandwich.

Fanfic Update!
  • It's the Spirit that Kills You, by SharksAndRec (part 1): "Ghostly attacks on the regular were still not enough to stomp out the march of students through the hallowed and haunted halls of Casper High, and one pair of faux-leather boots were stomping out a particularly determined rhythm."

  • The Kiss That Entirely Shattered Daria Morgendorffer's Worldview, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "She kissed him. She, Daria Morgendorffer, had her lips planted onto that damn moron."