Aw Nuts, by DJW: A Daria/Squirrel Girl crossover in which Daria brings her new friend home from college to meet the family . . . and her squirrel-phobic father, Jake. What's not to love?
Broken Connections, by Sleepless: Angst and melodrama by the gigaton, plot twists that tear out your heart, violence and tragedy and death. God help me, I loved it. Sorry, I'm starting to drool. Be right back after I find a towel.
The Cobalt Bomb, by Ranchoth: Daria played out with forest animals. This was sooooo weird and clever. But what was that title all about? I want to know!
Daria at Forty, by KatrinaMedina: A startling and dramatic take on Daria's adult life, with marriage, motherhood, divorce, and what came after. Older readers like me can relate to this Daria very, very well.
Esteemsters Reloaded, by Decelaraptor: A joyous take on the Veronica fanon in which Jake and Helen's love of sex produced more kids than you could shake a, um, stick at. This was wild and always brought a smile.
FBCB, by Wraith: Cute, funny, bizarre, and so in character. The Fashion Club enters an anime world and becomes a quartet of super-girls with super problems. This series was adorable, and that's the correct word for it.
The Goths, by TheEleventy: Under his many nicknames, TheEleventy (a.k.a. ri0t and hey) produced some of the most appealing serial shippers ever seen, unique takes on the characters in alternate worlds or after high school, with unexpected romances. This story had Quinn as a Perky Goth with an older brother named Darius, newly arrived in Lawndale and about to hook up with some interesting people. I've been dying for ages to see how this one (and TheEleventy's many other stories) turned out.
If you agree with me that these stories MUST BE FINISHED AT ALL COSTS BY GOLLY, bring out your pitchforks and sharpen 'em up. More to come.
I have an idea concerning this very thing over at my blog (shameless plug I know.) You can get to it from my site http://legendeld.googlepages.com
Heh. Well, since I don't know if and when I'm going to be able to get back to The Cobalt Bomb, I might as well explain the title.
Are ya ready?
The answer is...it's a joke. The idea being that, with the cast...er, "re-cast" as cute l'il forest critters, and implied or outright crossovers with similar cartoons (such as "The Secret of NIMH," "Capitol Critters," and, centrally, "Chip'n'Dale Rescue Rangers") a little later in the tale, the story was going to be a horrific "doomsday device" of Daria fanfic. Thus...a Cobalt Bomb.
For the record, there was no actual Cobalt Bomb in the plot. (There wasn't room after working in the gun running, sex, and and the secret enchanted forest critter village being hit by a cruise missile attack. ;) )
Speaking of unfinishe stories...
The Outers
What the bug guy said, except I wouldn't have left the 'd' off unfinished.
What the bug guy said, except I wouldn't have left the 'd' off unfinished.
Although that's amazingly appropriate, leaving the word "unfinished" unfinished.
It really makes you think. Or something. :)
More Quints!
OK, maybe not exactly an unfinished story, but you get the idea.
Hey, stay on topic! We're talkin' 'bout other people's stuff! C'mon!
I didn't know till I read this TheEleventy was Hey. I'd love to see more stories in his Mayan Long Count continuum.
Hey, I am talking about other people's stuff...
Ranchoth said: For the record, there was no actual Cobalt Bomb in the plot.
Prove it. Finish the story and show me.
The Angst Guy said...
Hey, stay on topic! We're talkin' 'bout other people's stuff! C'mon!
You are "other people"! :-)
Quinnts! Quinnts! Quinnts!
Other people's stuff is a lot more interesting than mine is. Don't you have anything unfinished?
Not me (well, nothing Daria, anyway), so I'm fully qualified to cast stones.
The Angst Guy said: Other people's stuff is a lot more interesting than mine is. Don't you have anything unfinished?
I'll take the Fifth.
Fifth. Quinnts. Get it?
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