In the news, there is a movie review of Sex and the City in which the reviewer compares herself to Daria, then does a fine Daria-like job on the movie, slicing it to pieces.
PLUS . . . someone has named a pet rat after Ms. Morgendorffer!
AND . . . a newspaper review of Daria that compares her to the ebola virus! I love it! Woo-hoo!
LATE NEWS: I am reliably informed that today is Blog Like It's The End Of The World Day (BLITEOTW Day, for short). Blog away, then. I have to mow the yard.
- The Cynic and The Defender, by Doggieboy (Part 2): Robert gets upset. Not angry, just upset. (NOTE: Current text contains type-translation errors.)
- Iron Chef - Evil Jane, by lots of people (continued): The new "evil Jane" round-robin has begun. Much violence anticipated. *
- Legion of Lawndale Heroes Mini: "…But Determined To Try." by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): Like the Vulcan says, having is not so nearly pleasing a thing as wanting.
- Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): I think my head is about to explode from reading this story. In a good way, I mean. LATE ADD: Okay, my head exploded. BRB after I clean up.
- Swan Song, by NightGoblyn (Part 3): In so many ways, the fewmets have hit the windmill.
- Turnabout Confusion Part II: All The King's Horses, by Dennis (continued): Nothing could be crueler than making a cheerleader date a guy in the Chess Club.
In the news, there is a movie review of Sex and the City in which the reviewer compares herself to Daria, then does a fine Daria-like job on the movie, slicing it to pieces.
Yeah, but she still appears to be a fan of the series (something I can't imagine Daria ever being). I want to see someone in the media get some sense and rip apart the entire series as an ode to the worst of shallowness and materialism.
Also, Friday the 13th is blog like it's the end of the world day. (I'm participating.) Watch for signs of the zombie apocalypse reprise -
Daria watching Sex and the City? No.
The Fashion Club watching Sex and the City? Definitely.
They'd have those shirts that came out early in the series that said, "I'm a Charlotte" or "I'm a Samantha", blah blah blah and so on.
Of course Quinn and Sandi would fight daily over who gets to be Carrie.
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