"Ill," which presented Daria two years later (her time) with much less self-confidence, is described here on DariaWiki. I keep thinking there were some fanfics that made alternate versions of "Ill" that were significantly different than the episode, but I cannot think of any. If you can, please fix the entry at DariaWiki.
Which appearance of Daria was better, "Ill" or "Sign Here"? Or is it just apples and oranges?
In fanfiction's view of the Dariaverse, eight years ago today Daria and Trent boarded a flight for California in Hikhali's "Changes, Secrets, and Other Disturbing Parts of Growing Up." Helen was happily remarried to Eric, Jake is unemployed and in a halfway house, and Jane is working at some summer job. That's fanfic for you.
More notes soon. Peace, yo!
You know, a future husband of Daria's might want to be worried...
"I'm sorry about your husband, Mrs. Sloane. I just can't imagine why Tom would deliberately do something like that to himself."
"It was shocking, yes."
You know, Nick Frost hosts a TV show called Danger! 50,000 Volts!
Two words: Violet Wand.
I leave the rest to you.
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