Friday, October 31, 2008

Guess What Today Is?

That's right! Skeleton on a Computer Day! Also know as Halloween. I am posting Halloween pix and news all day long here, just for fun. I might even say something worthwhile, but maybe not. This is sort of fun.

Here's a good story to read in the meantime: "The Journal of Daria Morgendorffer." It'll put you right in the mood.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Ah, good ol' Skeleton on a Computer Day. Why, I remember when we would make s'mores around the heat of a CPU, and sing SoaC Day carols.

The Angst Guy said...

Why, I remember when we would make s'mores around the heat of a CPU...

I can't get my computer to heat up like that. Should I take down the firewall?