Thursday, October 16, 2008

What Up, My Dog?

Kevin is back once again to remind us that today is World Food Day, and it is good to know he was able to find steady work after high school.

This date figures prominently in a Daria fanfic called Diary of a Lawndale Student, by Bacner. Have a read and see.

In the news of the weird, today is the 139th anniversary of the discovery of the Cardiff Giant, one of the greatest hoaxes in American history. Would Daria ever do a thing like this? If so, what stunt would she pull? Would she fall victim to such a hoax? Would anyone believe her if she discovered a hoax like this and said it wasn't real? Food for (fanfic) thought, eh?

A really great contest on PPMB: Future Melody Powers story titles, by M.J. Pollard. These are hysterical!
  • Give and Take, by slowlygoinginsane (Part 5): “Well, I guess I’ll see you at the dance tonight,” Daria told Tony DeMartino.

  • Babysitting, by Legendeld (COMPLETE!): Quinn has a kid. And a very long story.
  • Blood, Sweat, and Cheers, by Kristen Bealer (Part 4): "And people say chivalry is dead," Daria remarked. "Nah," Tom replied, "It faked its own death for the insurance money."
  • Daylight LLH: Erebus, by Roentgen (Parts 1 and 2): The Legion tries to cope as everything blows up (originally "Zero Hour: Tartarus").
  • Daylight: Home Field Advantage, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): A Daria/Alliance fanfic in which advance warning comes directly from . . . us?
  • Daylight: Nightside, by Legendeld (COMPLETE!): The Morgendorffers are awakened by a strange event, then discover another strange event going on in Quinn's room.
  • Daylight: Storytime, by Doggieboy (COMPLETE!): “Gather around, children, and I’ll tell you a story.” “What’s the story about, Aunt Daria?”
  • Legion of Lawndale Heroes 13.3: This Used to Be My Playground, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): Nobody thought Daria had it in her – except people she’d already met.
  • Origins of the Ringbearers: Let Vengeance Ring, by Richard Lobinske (Parts 8 and 9): Even as Daria started to fly as fast as she could to them, Jane's shield vanished and they were engulfed in a wave of fire.
  • Origins of the Ringbearers: Pandora, by NightGoblyn (Parts 1 and 2): “I stared long into the abyss, and it was beautiful.”
  • The Other Side of Time: Unfinished Business, by The Sidhe (continued): The Sloanes get a family visit, but not a friendly one.
  • The Quinn Show, by Disco316 (Parts 6 and 7): This is not the Stacy Rowe that I remember. Whoa. MOAR!!!
  • Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): "For one thing, I have to go through the entire ceremony butt naked." "Yes, you told me about it several times. So?" "So I have real reservations about having Upchuck attend."

  • Up and Away We Lost Our House Today, by Gum Wars (COMPLETE!): Jake and helen [sic] were standing in the middle of the field with their new hot air ballon [sic]. Jake had put a sign by the road advertising rides for $10.


WildBlogintheWest said...

Wha? No mention of Glenn Eichler's thank you to all of us?

The Angst Guy said...


I haven't read PPMB yet, more soon.