Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Don't Bully Supermarket Employees Today...Or Any Day!

I've got good news and bad news for Quinn on Pink Shirt Day. The good news is that she is, as usual, dressed for the occasion. The bad news is that the holiday is intended to fight bullying and, as one of Lawndale High's resident mean girls, she's really not the appropriate spokesperson.

Andrea, on the other hand, will not be wearing a pink shirt. Partly because she's a goth and doesn't do pink, and partly because she'll be wearing her Payday uniform for Supermarket Employee Day. She may hate the job, but the girl definitely knows where the bootlaces are!

Fandom News!

1 comment:

Sheila Wisz Ellayn said...

I never liked Andrea, so I really enjoyed to see her sad and miserable as she worked at that place. I just don't get why people like her so much!

About Quinn, she seeks popularity and the Fashion Club are mean sometimes, but I believe that she's a good, sweet person deep down.

Quinn deserved the spin off series!