Sunday, February 26, 2023

Have a Nutty Anniversary!

Dammit, Quinn! Just because it's National Pistachio Day doesn't mean you have to join in! You know you're allergic to the dye. Oh, well. I've heard neck modelling careers are overrated, anyway.

At least this will give Daria some amusement when Tom forgets their completely-arbitrary anniversary again, just like in "Sappy Anniversary." That episode is itself celebrating an anniversary, as it first aired on this day in 2001. Gotta say, I think it would be better for Tom to forget than to give Daria a molten hobbit/eldritch abomination like Jake did.

Fandom News!

1 comment:

Sheila Wisz Ellayn said...

You know, It Happened One Nut is one of my favorite episodes in the entire series!

It never stops being like a ton of fun, really. Curiously, in the LatAm version of Daria, Quinn mentions that she is allergic to nuts.

Just nuts, in general, instead of her allergy to pistachio dye in particular.

It's part of my headcanon that Quinn almost died after a pistachio incident when she was seven, and that was how her allergy was discovered.