Saturday, February 18, 2023

Wine? I'd Rather Whine!

I really don't think Jane and Alison should be celebrating National Drink Wine Day. Not because Jane's underage or because it will lead to misunderstandings and awkwardness later, but because they'll end up back at Alison's place...looking at pastels.

It was on this day in 2000 that the "Behind the Scenes with Daria" special aired on MTV. You can view the whole thing here.

Fandom News!

1 comment:

Sheila Wisz Ellayn said...

I love wine forever!

You know, some of us believe that Jane was eighteen already when Alison tried to get her drunk and the other thing she tried, otherwise Alison could have gotten arrested.

I believe that Jane was at least a bit curious, and they would have been an interesting ship!