Friday, February 10, 2023

Goths and Rain...the Perfect Combination!

Andrea's feeling far more colorful than usual in honor of Umbrella Day, but I suppose once you put on a Payday uniform nothing can really scare you anymore. Way to rock those floral prints, Andrea!

It was also on this day in 1996 that Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov in their first-ever chess game. It was a rough day for humanity, but just wait until Kevin Thompson gets a chance to compete. "King me! King me! King me!"

Fandom News!

1 comment:

Sheila Wisz Ellayn said...

I get the checkers reference.

It's curious that, while Deep Blue defeated Kasparov, Chinook never decisively defeated the great Tinsley. Today, it's believed that the final, perfected Chinook would easily beat Tinsley, but we will never know for real.

Jonathan Schaeffer never really recovered from this.