Wednesday, January 24, 2024

May I Compliment You on Your Beer and/or Peanut Butter?

Quinn is passing along some flattering comments to her very favorite person on Compliment Day, which for her is every day. As Daria once pointed out, it's very hard not to compliment her.

You could take the opportunity to compliment Kevin on his recycling skills in honor of Beer Can Appreciation Day, because it takes real skill to crush those cans on one's forehead. You could also compliment Ms. Barch's ex-husband on his beer can collection, but don't let Barch hear you say it!

For those of you who aren't interested in compliments or beer, there's always National Peanut Butter Day! Take a page from Trent's book and let some peanut brittle hijack your brain. Just don't sit on any sandwiches, unless you'd like to get up close and personal with a bee.

Fandom News!

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