Saturday, January 20, 2024

Sandi's Looking Especially Fowl Today

Yes, Sandi, everyone is paying attention to you for Penguin Awareness Day, but it's not the attention you think it is. It's not because you look particularly stylish, although that tuxedo is pretty sharp. No, it's because everyone is wondering why you let Dr. Shar go full-on Dr. Moreau. It's...terrifying.

I suggest shaking off that horrific image and enjoying National Cheese Lover Day instead. Jake might even dust off his squirrel impression and declare "Gimme cheese! I want cheese!"

I hope Upchuck knows that it's not only National Charlie Day, but National DJ Day as well! He should go put on some tunes, especially because if he's manning the DJ booth then he can't interact with anyone.

Fandom News!

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