Sunday, January 14, 2024

Poor Mr. D Is Not Having a Good Day

Mr. DeMartino should really stick to teaching history, as celebrating International Kite Day clearly isn't going well for him. At the very least, I think he might consider limiting his outdoor activities to hiking, because that comes with far lower chances of electrocution.

Better yet, he could enjoy seven days of pizza for National Pizza Week! Then again, while I'm sure he'd love having regular meals, there's no way he could afford one pizza, let alone a week's worth, on his meager salary.

I suppose his best option is to take a walk down memory lane with Daria and Jane on the anniversary of "Look Back In Annoyance," which first aired on this day in 2002. It might be a "cheap ass clip show" but at least it won't cost him anything.

Fanfic Update!
  • Katie Huegel, by Meester_Lee (parts 1 and 2): "The battered sedan slowed down to a stop outside the front entrance of the modern, well-kept high school building. 'This must be it,' said Patty Holman. 'Have a good day, honey.'" (Part 2)

  • Spider Quinn 05: The Trip to Freemont, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "Upon arriving home, Daria got into the car that formerly belonged to her father, but which her mother said she and Quinn could use. She turned on the engine."

  • Titanic - A True Story, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (part 17): "All that Anna Coulthard could feel that day was that now she had a cold and hollow piece of rock instead of having a heart."


asimowo said...

i'm doing some digging on daria fan websites as i watch the show for the first time. making posts for as long as you have about daria is seriously impressive! i hope your blog gains more attention someday. you should consider posting to places like tumblr or reddit, we would love to have you!

Kristen Bealer said...

Thank you so much! Posting the blog is about as much work as I'm comfortable putting in at this time, but I appreciate the kind words as well as the suggestion. :)