Monday, April 15, 2024

Anyone Need a Bonus Sock?

Jane just got caught celebrating National Laundry Day, but I somehow doubt that any actual clothes got washed. Oh, Bobby Bighead, you're just irresistible!

I think Jane would be better off celebrating World Art Day, if for no other reason than she's less likely to accidentally flood anyone's house that way. Unless her latest art project is especially weird.

If the water goes high enough, she could invite Barch and O'Neill over to re-create their favorite movie scene in honor of Titanic Remembrance Day! If we're lucky, they'll both fall into the water.

Fanfic Update!
  • The Betrothed, by easmith (part 21): "Dylan felt like screaming and being sick, both at once. Even the hints he had surmised over the last couple of days had not prepared him for the actuality of hearing those words from Abby; indeed, the possibility had never been fully real to him, he now realized."

  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 22): "Looking out the window as a gentle rain fell, drops striking the window, Helen sighed. 'Why does it always rain at funerals?'"

  • Spider Quinn 08 The Three Misfits, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "Almost immediately after homeroom ended, Li called the first of the three to her office. 'Anna Coultard, please report to the Principal’s Office.'"

  • Two Men and a Brittany, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Kevin and Brittany sat up in bed, both naked. While Kevin felt like he was on top of the world Brittany was in shock." (Part 3)

  • The Witch and The Ring, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (parts 1 - 4): "It had been nothing but yet another peaceful day at Lawndale High." (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)

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